Her Plan

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Unknown p.o.v

Sentimental, sorrowful and horror struck I was ten years ago, those years after were just a living hell that even a harassed being would like to live for. Being known to be related of that blonde bastard was just my luck, I've even figured out my Mum was a prostitute and I was just a mistake. My Dad left me after he figured out that his little "affair" had an effect he had no responsibility for, leaving me to an orphanage since I was.. Six. Ten ungrateful years and I still can't get a place to live but, sadly this orphanage isn't ordinary. It's for teenagers after I turned thirteen, walking around with maturing boys that'll grab your ass and force you to have sex with.. Not fun.

Most think of me as.. Peculiar for my gifted powers, I haven't done wrong doing with them... Maybe I was lazily many times but, I wouldn't hurt a fly, at least, I thought so. I've maybe lost control what, maybe a dozen times. But, that's what a teenager would do, scream, try to hit people, threaten death, possibly even break things and point them around as if they were a toy. They gave me a journal and set me to my room in the attic.. Alone. Locking the door and not feeding me for.. A week. I don't really eat anyways, I'm more flesh and bones than healthy muscle and a bit of fat.

I stared out the window, leaning over the old frame. Having fingertips pressed to the cold glass, snowflakes brushing against the window and fluttering down like paper. Big, small, designed in difference for each of their personalities.

I wonder if they have one unique like I am? I shook my head. Of course not, I'm.. Too unique for a snowflake to lo--ok like me..

The window opened with by my mind, holding a glass out to see if I could collect enough snowflakes to have a proper glass of cold water. When a strange looking snowflake swirled down into my glass, I brought it up to my face and gazed at it. It was spiked and large for a normal snowflake, the designs like spiderweb silk, writing engraved the large snowflake for me.

Don't listen to their words, they know nothing about you. Come to the roof top, I was hoping we'd meet someday, now is the time.

The snowflake melted, my orbs blinked as I looked out the window. Looking back into my room as I set the glass down, standing up as I walked to my bedside, picking up my gray sweater with fluffy fake wolf fur around the hood. I slipped it over my head, slipping on my black sneakers as I moved my chair aside. Climbing up the window sill as I stood up in the tall window sill, having my hand against the side of the window as I poked my head out. Snow dressed my dark colored blonde hair, my orbs bright with curiosity since I rarely go outside. A rope suddenly dropped down in front of me as I slightly flinched, opening my eyes as the rope moved slightly to the icy winds of winter. I stared at the rope, blindly reaching a hand out as I grasped the rope. Sensing a loop as I brought the rope close, I stuck my foot threw. Grabbing the rope as I swung out of my window, closing my eyes in fear of falling, I felt the rope tug, be pulled up I opened my eyes. Lifting my head, I sensed the rope wrapped on a strongly held hook. Placing my foot on the ledge of the rooftop, I grabbed the pole and pulled myself up. Opening my lips to thank the person as I looked towards them, biting my lips shut as a teen three years older than me having the rope in his callused hands.

" Shawn?" I asked, feeling his presence shift.

He tied the rope to the handle of the exit to the roof from inside the orphanage " Hullo to you to Hazel, I see you got my note." I felt him grin, smiling as I nodded. " I've noticed others ignoring your need of help, I want to apologize for not helping you when I had many chances for many years now.. I hoped you could forgive me and we could.. Be friends?" Anxiety in his high pitched voice made me fur my brows in worry.

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