Election 2016

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I'm sure the music describes how most of you felt when seeing the title, but don't flag me yet I'm not here to talk about whom is better or worse, fake or real, truth or cheat, all I'm here to do is state my personal opinion that really doesn't support either, but it's the sad truth of this election, Hillary is everything wrong with the government whereas trump is everything wrong with society!! The cause of this is the discrimination and lack of tolerance ( and no I'm not referring to black people, and before you say I'm racist I'm not talking about my fellow pasties either, I'm talking about all races, genders, and sexualities in the world I don't care if your Japanese, Mexican, black, white, purple, yellow, red, sunburnt, fat, skinny, gay, or straight as long as your nice to me and others you can be a pan gender floating yellow octopus that deflects bullets!!) is our own immaturity and we have been so oblivious as to let the government reach this point!! I'm not saying " oh this is all our fault we should have fixed the government." I'm just saying don't be that a-hole that goes on Facebook or Twitter and says all these hurtful comments to your fellow citizens who are most likely just as confused as you are on who to vote for or maybe they just have their own reasons for liking trump that you just don't understand or someone has a strong hate for Hillary who you might be for in the election, just don't fight over stupid stuff I mean it's an election where we are basically picking the lesser of two evils don't make it worse than it already is, that's like throwing cooking oil into a burning field near your house I mean common sense people!!

Leave a comment on your opinions, no arguments plz remember everyone is entitled to their own opinions!!

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