Chapter 2

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COMMANDER SHELSKI breathed a heavy sigh of relief as the giant avian ascended. Turning back to the others, he said, "Let us hope that it does not return. Netson, you and your team may begin your survey of the area. The Vancouver is scheduled to return at this time tomorrow. You have until then."

"I hope that's enough time," Netson replied as she turned to give her team instructions.

"It may, in fact, turn out to be too much time should those creatures prove to be hostile."

"I've a feelin' they aren't hostile,Commander," Wilson said carefully, his eyes following the creature as it flew over the forest and out of sight. "Least he isn't."

"What do you mean?"

He shrugged and turned to face the commander,his dark eyebrows crumpled together in bemusement. "Not sure. Just somethin'... like a voice in my head said so. Said he just wanted to know who we were."

"You too?" Netson's voice reached them.They both turned to the science officer, saw her eyebrows cocked in surprise. Wilson returned Netson's expression, equally perplexed.

"Anyone else think they heard something strange in their head?" Shelski asked aloud to everyone gathering at the top of the boarding hatch.

"Something like a voice saying 'be not afraid, wishing only to know who and what you are'?" Netson added.

A series of concerned looks were exchanged, but when there wasn't an affirmative response, Shelski refocused on the lieutenants. "You two better check with Doctor Bolden."

"C'mon, Commander, I feel fine," Wilson protested. "Not like we haven't encountered telepathic species before."

Netson voiced her agreement.

"I prefer that the doctor make that determination of your well-being official," Shelski insisted.

Wilson started to protest again, but thought better of it. Instead, he sighed submissively and nodded. "Aye, Commander." He and Netson turned and started toward the scout ship's medical lab. On their way, Netson instructed her teams to begin their assigned tasks.


Varthikes soared over rolling green hills, the southeastern end of a sea that communicated to an ocean through a strait to the north, and more rolling green hills—some of which formed rocky ridges—with groves of deciduous trees here and there. Herds of herbivores of different kinds grazed the fields. The sun had descended halfway toward the western horizon by the time Varthikes came upon a coniferous forest larger than the one where he had found the creatures. This one blanketed the foothills and hugged the slopes of his home mountain range. A shiny blue thread—one of many from this Range—trickled out of the forest directly beneath him toward the sea, swerving like a snake and pooling in places.

These mountains that he approached, like so many mountain ranges on Draconia, supported a complex network of caves and passages with scattered geothermal vents that provided ideal chambers for eggs. They were perfect residence for dracfolk. It was believed among many Draconians that Beings of Light, when bringing their world together, tunneled out such networks and created the fire that warmed the Hatching Chambers. To Varthikes, the idea was interesting, but he never really gave it much thought. But, as with everything else he has seen on his world, he did admire the formation of the mountain ranges, how they seemed to have been made especially for Draconian habitation.

As he reached the forest boundary, Wingleader Irethes, heading the flight charged with patrolling the boundaries of Bare Peak Range, greeted him. Who flies? he inquired, bugling a challenge.

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