Chapter 3

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CRYSTAL CLEAR water rushed in its winding course down the mountain, filling into a respectable-sized lake before continuing its descent toward the forested foothills. Lairs bored into the mountain all around the lake level and above as well as along the river's course. On the rocky bank, dracfolk soaked in the last of the sun. Others were enjoying a swim or wallow in the lake's crystalline water. This was but one of many such lakes throughout the Range, serving as meeting places and recreation areas.

The two Sages lay upon a sun-baked ledge overlooking the lake. Vethes rested on the bare ground while his mate, Lephazing, was stretched out on a chain of boulders behind him.Behind the two adults was the maw of their lair and the mountain continuing its ascent toward the darkening, white-puffed turquoise sky until it came to a peak that was elongated north-to-south.

Having been granted permission to come before them through one of their personal acolytes, Varthikes set down on the ledge. He arched his wings to the ground and bowed his head in deep respect. The Sages, being full-grown, middle-aged adults were twice the size of Varthikes and his clutchmates and a little over one hundred cycles since hatching. The two Sages were responsible for looking over the entire population of the Range, providing reasonable help to those who were in need, settling disputes, and dealing with the Sages of other Ranges and with the Circle of Grand Sages.

An honor to come before, honorable Sages, Varthikes said. The tone of his thought-voice low and subservient.

Welcomings, young Varthikes, Vethes responded with an acknowledging bow of his head. Pleasing is it to know that you have returned to the Range and that you are in good health. Your absence this past sunfall has concerned us. Be comfortable, please, and tell us of the matter for which you have come before us.

Varthikes folded his wings and lowered himself to his belly. Once he was comfortable, he once again described his encounter with the three bipeds and their flying structure. He explained the difference of emotions he sensed from them and his attempt to communicate with the creatures. Being the strongest in telepathy, the honorable Sages—he bowed his head to the two adults—maybe able to establish communication with the creatures, if such was possible.

You have seen actually these bipeds of which you speak? Lephazing asked, her thought-voice sounding puzzled.

Indeed I have, honorable Sage Lephazing, Varthikes answered respectively, dipping his head.

And, you wish to request our assistance in contacting these creatures?

I do so wish, respectfully, Varthikes confirmed humbly, in the hope of contacting these creatures. So that we may know who they are, how it is they have traveled in their lifeless object, and for what reason they have come to our world.

Vethes and Lephazing turned to each other and conversed privately with one another. Varthikes lowered his eyes to the ground and waited patiently for what the Sages would ultimately decide. He prepared himself to not act improperly should their decision be negative. Finally, Vethes addressed him and Varthikes looked back at them. We shall consider that which you have requested, the Sage said. Return here next sunrise, and we shall then make known to you our decision.

Suppose they are not there next sunrise! was his immediate unfocused thought. He shook his head and took a deep breath to calm himself and, directing his attention back to the Sages, said, As you so instruct, honorable Sages. Once more, he bowed his head and arched his wings before he turned and launched himself into the air.

The sun was descending closer to the western horizon. Perhaps it was best if they waited for next sunrise to investigate the creatures further, he reflected privately as the wind washed over his smooth-scaled hide. Darkness of sunfall will soon settle over the land and, while he rather enjoyed flying during sunfall with the moon and stars shining brightly, he had no way of knowing how the creatures behaved during that time. Having organized his thoughts, Varthikes settled into a course to join his clutchmates and enjoy the last of the day's sun.


Sage Vethes watched Varthikes fly off toward the setting sun. Very possible is it, Lephazing warned him, that these beings of which young Varthikes has informed us could be the others who came before. Vethes turned both eyes to his mate.

Vethes agreed, Indeed they could be. After a moment of further consideration, he continued, The description, however, which young Varthikes related includes fur. The others had not fur, but scale similar to us.

Lephazing reasoned, It is evident, however, that these beings have come from Beyond just as the others. Though they may be not the others who came before, they may yet be related, or just as dangerous.

Vethes considered this. Whoever these bipeds may be, we should learn more of them and their purpose here before we inform the Circle of Grand Sages. I will fly with young Varthikes to the glade next sunrise and investigate these bipeds from Beyond.

Lephazing tilted her head slightly in concern.That concern leaked into her thought-voice as she asked, What if they should be hostile like the others?

Vethes instructed her, Follow at a distance with a full flight. Fly to our assistance should the bipeds become hostile. I will call to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2016 ⏰

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