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"I'm checkin' for ya boy you're right on time. Angel of mine. " --- Monica, "Angel of Mine"





::Elijah Johnson::

Ray's entire head did a three sixy.

And I've had enough. I ran to my room.

Bitch, the door! He was suddenly  in front of the door. I turned around to look in the living room and then he was behind me.

"Dont wanna play Elijah!?" He leaned into me, his hand draped over my head, his hand resting on the doors frame.


"Aye, Augusto!"

I heard a Prince  voice in the living room.

How did he get in here? I tried to see what had happened but the wind was knocked out of me by Ray.




Jacob's hands set blue electrical flames, his eyes blue electrical portals as he powered up.

"What do you want Princeton?"

"You---hands off my boyfriend!"

Prince shot in the air and then side kicked him.
His body flew thru Elijah's door.

"Now you're going to get out of his body--now!"

"Fuck you!"

Ray did a swift muay Tai stance and Prince did a Kung Fu stance.

"I don't fuck trash. Sorry!" Jacob threw multiple punches to Ray's face and then threw a cross at his forehead.

The cross sunk into his head, smoking forming from his vessel and a skeleton erupted from his mouth. Elijah stood there watching in shock. Jacob powered  down as soon as Elijah turned to him. Mike ran in the room and held Elijah who was too shocked to move.

"Mike!? Mike." He was shaking crying. "Jacob saved me from the Demon. I-its real. My suspicions is real." Mike kissed his forehead.

"Here." Mike handed him the pendant off his dresser.

"Its not over. Something took over Ray's body. And I intend to figure it out." Elijah put on his pendant and his leather jacket walking out of his apartment as Mike and Jacob followed behind.


"Elijah don't do this." Mike pulled him and Elijah yanked from him.

"Hes my best friend. He's all I have. It's my battle. I guess me and the Lord has been separated for too long." Elijah explained stubbornly folding his arms across his chest.

"Elijah? You're really not afraid?" Mike gripped his face staring in fearless warrior eyes.

"You. You told me those who walk with him should never be scared." Elijah pulled away and marched down the street and Mike was stunned.

"Fuck I love him."

"Yes. Father knew what he was doing sending you to.HIM!" Prince patted his shoulder as they followed behind him.




"He was here. He was somewhere in here. Fuck he might not even be-"

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