chapter 11 yes

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Today is Saturday thank god we got two days off this boring ass school I heard my phone ringtone that I have a call

Phone convo

Chris:wyd tonight?


Chris:oh will you like to go to dinner with me this afternoon?


Chris:ight imma pick you up at 6 send me yo address


Phone convo over

I was picking out a outfit I'm going out with I decided to wear a pink shirt/dress that's above my knees and a light blue jeans with my fenty puma shoes it 4:00 i started to get dressed I go in the shower and freshan up I stepped out the shower and brushed my teeth right after. I dried of and lotioned my body

I put on my outfit and shoes on and i straightened my hair I put on some lip gloss and sent Chris my address because it was almost time for him to pick me me up I got a text back from Chris telling me ight be there in 20 I grab my mk purse I got for my birthday I put some money in it thank God I got paid today

I went on my Phone for a little bit and Chris sent me a text telling me he's out side I go outside and Chris was outside of his car he opened the passenger side for me I sat down and he got in to I turned up the radio so it could be blasting young ma ooouu

We pull up to red lobster I swear this place is the best

He opened the door for me and the waitress got us our table

"What will you like ma'am?"she asked

"Some shrimp Alfredo with a salad on the side"I say

"And you sir"?she ask

"Lobster"he says

"Drinks"she asked

"Lemonade"I say

"Sprite"he say

Alright be right back with your Drinks she says

"So it's this question I been wanting to ask you"Chris said

"What is it?"I asked

"Will you be my girlfriend"he asked

"Yes"I said

Chris got up and gave me a kiss his lips are so soft

"Your a good kisser"I say

"You are to"he say

There was a huge smile on his face and mine Chris is just so he's all mine

The waitress came back with the drinks.then with the food I dug in omg it taste so good

We got done eating and I took out some money for me they gave us the reciept is that seprate or togheter she asked

"Seprate"I say

"Together I'm paying "Chris say

He gave her the money we walked out the store

"Thanks but you didn't have to do that"I say

"No it was no problem"Chris say

We got back in his car and he took me home


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2016 ⏰

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