chapter 10

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Beep beep beep

I got up for school and turned my alarm clock off I got into the shower took a shower I used my dial  body wash

After doing hygiene things

I got out the bathroom and Went to my closest took a outfit out

After finding my outfit.

I put on my outfit

And did my hair



I went to my kitchen seen my mom cooking breakfast she hasnt done that in a long time

"Good morning sweety"my mom says

"Good morning mom"I said back

She handed me a plate of food with bacon,grites with cheese,french toast,sasuges,and eggs I say down on the island and put some sugar on my grits just how I like it

After eating i washed out my plate and said goodbye to my mom I got into my car and drove of to go pick up Indiana and dabashia

I picked danashia up first and was now headed to get Indiana

Indiana walked out the house looking nice like she was going out

She walked into the car

" girl you look nice"I said

"girl you look nice"we said at the same time

"Janx"I said

I pulled up to the school We all got out the car I took the key out and we walked through the doors I seen Chris ugly wanna be Chris brown  looking  at me heavinly like Damn he probably didn't  even blink his eyes are glued to me like glue

"Wassup I hope we weren't having a staring contest cause I lost"I said to Chris

"Nah I was just looking at some girl"Chris said

"Oh aii just hope it wasn't me"I said knowing Damn well it was

I made it to first period which was a boring ass class with a boring was teacher with it

Blah blah blah was all I heard huh I can't wait to this class is over

40 more minutes



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