Messypaw is Bae (Reference)

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Name: MessypawReason of Name:Messy-: For his messy peltPaw:- The suffix deeming him an apprenticeAge: 6 MoonsGender: TomRank: Apprentice

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Name: Messypaw
Reason of Name:
Messy-: For his messy pelt
Paw:- The suffix deeming him an apprentice
Age: 6 Moons
Gender: Tom
Rank: Apprentice


| Appearance |
Description: Messypaw's pelt climbs roughly over a muscular build, rolling in tangled and messy curls over his back and flanks. His dark pelt is rather difficult for him to manage, which is probably why it's always a mess. During the hot days of green-leaf, Messypaw finds it frustrating when having to continuously retreat to the shade or water, the sweltering heat too much for the tom to handle. When he does groom his pelt, it's a meticulous job, which gives him quite a hard and frustrating time, and his mother needs to come to his rescue. His pelt is rough to the touch, which gives him an unpleased grimace at times that he can't be cuddly.

Body Type: Messypaw's body is muscular, but not an athletic build. His legs are short for a normal apprentice, giving him a rather slow pace in any given way of getting around. His shoulders are broad like his fathers, and his back dips softly down like his mother's, giving him an almost feminine feel, which he despises. His body is rather long, however, and a bit stocky with his fur, which allows him to tread through water with a bit of ease despite his pelt catching on things from time to time. Messypaw's neck is a bit long, puffed with a mane of white, and his muzzle is narrowed and short. His ears are tufted.

Pelt Coloration: Messypaw is a variation of browns and white. His base coat is a succulent creamy brown, and his chest is a creamy white falling about half-way down his underbelly. Half his back and entire tail is a dark brown marbled. (I'll be using that form Toxy posted c: I'll tag y'all in it.) 

Eyes: Messypaw's eyes are a gentle sea-green, shining boldly

Scars: At the moment, Messypaw is sporting no scars

| Backstory |
|Prior to Birth|
Prior to the birth of Messypaw, his mother and father had just began to talk of kits, the two parents excited about the thought of raising a family together. Fishripple and Silverpond discussed this for moons through Greenleaf, before finally settling on trying. The two mated, and Silverpond appeared pregnant. However, the pregnancy failed as all kits had been stillborn. This devastated the mother greatly, as she sobbed into the chest on a comforting Fishripple. Fishripple urged to try again, but Silverpond argued that Leafbare was still upon them, and Leafbare was the worst season to bring kits into a clan. Fishripple assured her the kits would be born in the early stages of new leaf, and Silverpond agreed. However, the kits were born early, much to the dismay of Silverpond. The mother believed these kits would not survive. However, she birthed three healthy kits, all toms, naming each uniquely. {Silverpond cast her eyes down gently upon the messy furred darker tom, purring out a name breathlessly, "Messykit.."}

1 moon: Messykit's personality wasn't always snappy and grumpy, in fact he was quite the cheerful ball of fur. He had a close bond with Fuzzykit, his brother, and always enjoyed playing warrior with his littermates.
2 moons: Messykit began developing a bit more of a grumpy attitude as Fuzzykit became getting close to another kit that wasn't him. Flightkit tried confronting him of this but he got upset and accidentally whacked his brother.
3 Moons: Messykit never recovered from the shock of hitting his brother, and forced himself to push his brothers away. His mother tried reconciling him, but it didn't work as well as she hoped.
4-5 Moons: Messykit grew grumpier, his personality morphing into a more grumpy and snappish one. Fuzzykit felt guilty but never tried talking yo his brother in fear of being hit like Flightkit.  

Messykit turned 6 moons alongside Fuzzykit and Flightkit, and the three were called up to the meeting, all proud, but Messykit wearing his mask. Fuzzykit went first, stepping ahead of his brother's with a prideful stride, his tail straight and head high. He was renamed Fuzzypaw, and given Carpnose as a mentor. Flightkit stumbled ahead next, a bit more uneasy but just as straight and proud. Flightpaw, he was called, and given Tumblestone as his mentor. And then it was Messykit's turn..{"Messykit, please step forward." The leaders voice purred loud like thunder over the clearing, and Messykit strode forward with a straight face. He looked up expectantly, his eyes narrowed softly, almost challengingly in a sense. "Messykit, you have reached the age of 6 moons, and are now ready to train as a warrior. Your mentor will be Sagepool, and you are now know as Messypaw until you become a warrior."}


[+]Candid: Truthful and straightforward | Messypaw will always tell the truth, of how he thinks of a cat. He doesn't seem to care if he sounds harsh or rude, because he knows he is being truthful. Messypaw believes every cat deserves to know just how annoying they are to him. While this trait seems a bit negative, he is very truthful with almost everything ran by him. Messypaw hopes cats will actually value his opinion instead of toss it away, because he believes his opinion will help them.

[+]Expressive: Effectively conveying thought or feeling | Messypaw is very vocal with his feelings and thoughts, which can either get him in trouble, or get him praise. He is very much so not afraid to voice his thoughts towards something, and will do so without hesitation. If he feels something is done in a very wrong manner, he will say something about it. If a cat is being rude, you bet your bottom dollar he will say something to that  cat, no matter how fed up and rude he may get. Messypaw simply does not care about what others think of this, and quite frankly, he thinks all cats deserve a slap in the face some days.

[+]Scrupulous: Diligent, very efficient and thorough, and extremely attentive to details | Sure enough, Messypaw, while not caring about his own appearance, cares for the appearance of other things. He is very attentive to details such as where things are placed and how things are done. If something is so much as slightly out of place, you might just make the entire camp explode. Messypaw hates it when things are a mess. He is very OCD that way, and he can't stand it when cats are so careless.

[–]Hotheaded: Having an impetuous or quick-tempered nature | Messypaw has a very short fuse on his temper and will burst out if you get onto him. He tends to believe he has no time for games, and as a result gets annoyed very easily. His temper is like a fiery facade, which he isn't afraid to burn you with. Messypaw is rarely ever pleased with anything, so he warns cats very pre-maturely not to get on his bad side. He isn't the nicest of cats, at all, it seems.

[–]Impatient: Having or showing a tendency to be quickly irritated or provoked | It doesn't take a lot for Messypaw to become irritated. His short-fused temper is a cause for his daily outbursts on other cats. Messypaw is easily provoked into a bout of anger, sometimes going as far as too accidentally hurt someone. An example is when his brother Flightpaw irritated him and he whacked him hard over the muzzle. Messypaw tends to become very upset after one of these violent outbursts, however, and does his best to control them.

[–]Snappy: Irritable and inclined to speak sharply | Messypaw has a very snappy attitude, which is definitely a dominate trait. He usually speaks sharply towards every cat, unless it's his leader, Deputy, or mentor, whom sometimes he even speaks sharply to. Most cats realize his negativity as he speaks to them, but some cats ignore the telltale warning and push him on. Messypaw's sharpness is from him father, who is also very sharp and stern. He accepts this trait rather easily.

[=]Private: Messypaw likes to keep certain things to himself. He dislikes being open and letting cats know his flaws. Messypaw is very private in a way where he won't reveal things the pertain to him. He will reveal things of others but not of himself. He is secretive

[=]Aggressive: ready or likely to attack or confront | Messypaw is very upfront and aggressive. He is not afraid to put a cat in their place if they stray somewhere they shouldn't. He comes off a calm but he is like an adder ready to strike. Messypaw isn't friendly as he wishes, but his aggression is both a good and bad feat. Messypaw sometimes dislikes this trait.


Mate: Messypaw seems to be very uninterested in ever having any sort of relationship
Crush: Highly unlikely but could change in the future
Kits: Messypaw: Nope


Silverpond / Mother / Alive
Fishripple / Father / Alive

Fuzzypaw / Brother / Alive
Flightpaw / Brother / Alive

Other Kin: Unknown

Reference sheet made by -Toxic-
Art by Meee
Hollowclan By -Toxic- Creepy_The_Wolf _GoldenSoul_

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