Mystic Messenger: Gone...

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You were out shopping along with Jumin for some groceries to cook a special meal to celebrate your anniversary. This was an important dinner because this was the first time you had dinner with Jumin as an engaged couple. The wedding was planned to be in the fall on a mountain with the most beautiful view of the city. Everything was going perfect. Jumin didn't fully understand why you were so dead-set on making the actual meal when he could have just called in his chef, but you were so excited about it that Jumin didn't want to change your sparkling smile. You walked through the aisles looking for little ingredients like spices and milk and eggs alongside Jumin who rarely goes inside grocery stores. You had to admit, he looked pretty cute trying to figure out why you were buying so many ingredients. You finally pushed your cart to the check register as the woman there scanned all of the groceries where Jumin waited patiently for her to finish. You picked up the bags and told Jumin that you were going to take the bags to the car with Driver Kim's help and asked Jumin stay back and pay. He nodded and gave you a gentle kiss on your forehead. When you got outside, you waited for the street signal to turn green and started walking across the street, but was too late to do anything when a car came flying in your direction, blaring its horn.

Jumin had just given his credit card to the cashier when he heard the car horn. He paid no attention to it at first, but stopped to look up when he saw the cashier look outside and gasp. Jumin looked through the clear-glass doors to see you lying on street, your bags on the ground. The old truck who had slammed on the gas and drove onto the main street without stopping. Jumin's stomach dropped and his heart sank. He dropped his wallet and ran into the street as soon as he could. Several people had seen what happened and were going over to help. He got down right next to you, desperately calling out your name. Driver Kim jumped out of his car and was already calling the police after seeing the horrid events unfold. Everything was blurry... your ears were ringing. Everyone's voices were mixed and blurred so you couldn't exactly make out what they were saying. The only voice you could hear and face you could see was Jumin's.

"Oh my God... MC stay with me! Can you hear me? Just focus on my voice, ok? Help is coming right now. Just keep your eyes on me, don't look anywhere else, I'll take care of you until the ambulance comes. Just listen to my voice, that's all you need to do. Just stay with me I... I can't lose you... please...just stay... that's all I ask"

you could feel your lungs become heavy, you could barely breathe, wheezing with no avail. Your head was in so much pain that you could barely focus you vision, but were able to keep them on Jumin. Jumin was there... that's all you needed. He heard you wheezing, and held your head in order to aid your breathing. He pressed his forehead on yours as you felt a cold drop on your head. You saw him cry for the first time, and you heard his broken voice cry out your name continually. He always kept calm on almost every situation, but you could truly hear his heart. It was sad, it was worried, even a bit frustrated, but it was mostly desperate. He didn't want to ever leave you, and you didn't want to ever leave him. You wanted to tell him how much you loved him, how much you treasured your time with him, how you felt when you saw each other for the first time, that he was handsome and charming and how he had the kindest heart out of everyone you knew. How he encouraged and helped you when you first joined the RFA, and his dorky obsession over Elizabeth the 3rd. How warm and fantastic your first kiss was with him, and though he thought he gave an awkward kiss, it was perfectly fantastic. How happy you were when he proposed to you at dinner, how he took 3 weeks in order to find the perfect ring. How you planned the wedding with Jumin on the most perfect place in the entire world, how excited you were when you and Jumin agreed to have children after you were married. Jumin changed your life from having nothing to everything, and you wanted to thank him for it. How he was your sun, your moon, your lover, your best friend. But nonetheless, time was running out. You weren't even able to move your mouth because you couldn't move. You heard Jumin mumbling something, you weren't able to hear it at first. He was praying. He was never very close to his religion, but you saw him desperately praying for help, praying for you to stay. Ne needed something, he needed anything that would save you. He was stroking your head as he held it with one hand, and with the other was holding your hand. You had so much you wanted to tell him, so you did so by squeezing his hand and smiling. But you were more worried about Jumin than you were yourself. He was completely breaking apart, as if his only support had been snatched from underneath him.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 22, 2016 ⏰

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Mystic Messenger: Gone...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ