Chapter 7

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Riley's POV

A couple weeks have passed ever since Lucky found my notebook. I've been paranoid since that she read the little note I wrote on the corner of a random page. I don't want her to know I care about her, but I'm starting to struggle with concealing my feelings for her.

She's been hanging around Crystal more often. She barely even comes into our room, unless Crystal's busy, or if she's studying. I guess they're officially a couple now. Every time they kiss, I feel a slight pain go through me. My wolf whimpers and yearns to be with Lucky every minute of the day. I have to remind myself that it's best for Lucky to not get involved with me almost everyday.

Today in class, I sat with my brother. He told me that our Dad was willing to give me one last chance to prove myself to him. He would let me know what the next plan was to capture the Davis siblings.

Tonight, my roommates and I were heading out to the club again. We wanted a girls night out. I was the only one going without a date. It wasn't a big get together, so Chrissy and Ivy weren't coming to keep me company.

The club wasn't full tonight. There were small groups of people hanging about, but that was it. I guess all the college kids were getting sick of partying already. The music was blaring as loud as always though.

Savannah and her girl went off to dance. Lucky, Crystal and I sat at the bar. I sat far from them though. I didn't feel like being around those two, because I knew they'd be making out and stuff.

I ordered a few drinks, but made sure that I stayed somewhat sober for the night. I don't get drunk unless I'm with my usual crew. Since they're not here, I don't want to be that loser that gets drunk by herself and what not. I honestly don't know why I came out tonight. I'd actually rather be in bed right now, but since everyone else was going out, I figured I could tag along.

I sat by the bar some more. Lucky was sitting alone, because Crystal had ran off to the back somewhere, probably to the bathroom. I saw the bartender walk up to me. She offered me another drink, but I refused. I paid for the drinks that I did have, and decided to accompany Lucky. The drinks must've been getting to me a little, because I was feeling nicer than usual.

"Hey," I said and sat down next to my roommate, "where's your girl?"

"She went to the bathroom. You having fun?"

"Not really, I've been sitting at this bar for a good while now just browsing the place."

"Really? I must not have noticed, or else I would've kept you company for a while."

Yeah, of course she wouldn't have noticed. She was too busy talking with her so called lover. "Yeah, well, it's no problem. I was actually thinking of going back to the room, so..."

"Oh no, don't go." Lucky grabbed my hand. I felt sparks run up my arm.

"Why not?" I raised my eyebrow.

"You're already here, so just stay." She shrugged. She realized she was holding my arm and quickly let go. "I mean, if you really want to go then I guess you can leave."

At this point, I would've given her a rude remark, but it was hard to think of one at the moment. "No, I'll stay."

Lucky smiled, then looked away. Crystal came back and eyed me suspiciously. "What are you doing here, Riley?"

"Talking to my roommate. Is there a problem?"

Crystal snorted, then turned her attention back to Lucky. "Come on, I want to dance." She said, and pulled Lucky over to the dance floor.

I stayed at the bar, watching those two grind on each other. I have to admit, Lucky knows how to dance. The way she moved against Crystal... I wish it was me dancing with her instead.

"Then why don't you walk up there and claim her!?" My wolf barked at me. "She's our mate after all."

"I can't damn it." I snapped back. "What if Dad found out? We'd be putting ourselves in danger."

"He's not worth our time. Just cut ties with him, go after what belongs to you. If you don't do it soon, then I'll take over and do it for you."

I sat there, thinking of what I should do. It would probably be better if I made a move instead of my wolf. I sighed, then finally got up. My legs were shaking, and my heart was racing. Once I went up to Lucky, I didn't even bother asking if I could talk to her. I just grabbed her had and dragged her towards the bathrooms.

"Hey!" She screeched. "Riley? Wha... What are you doing?"

"Just be quiet, and follow me." I ordered.

She struggled in my grip, but she couldn't brake herself free. We finally reached the bathroom and I pushed the door open. I dragged Lucky into one of the stalls then locked the door. Good thing the toilet seat was down, these public bathrooms can be disgusting sometimes.

"Riley, what the hell? Why did you bring me here?"

"Did you go through my journal the other day?"

Lucky looked at me wired. "What? N-No! I told you I didn't go through it."

"You don't have to lie, Lucky." I have her a stern look.

She hesitated, but then said, "Okay, yes, but I only saw that little note on one of the pages."

I sighed. "So... You know?"

She nodded. "Don't hurt me or anything, I honestly had no intentions on reading it. And, I understand why you want to kill me, but please, don't end me now..." She suddenly started to sob. Tears rolled down her face.

I lifted her chin up. "I don't want to kill you. Hell, I don't even want to hurt you what so ever." I looked into her golden eyes, and without thinking, I found my lips against hers. She tasted so good, but the kiss only lasted for half a second, because Lucky suddenly pulled away with a shock.

"I can't do this with you." She said.

"Why not?"

"There are still things I don't know about you, plus, I can't risk breaking Crystal's heart."

"Oh, come on, are you serious?" I found myself raising my voice on accident. "What does she have that I don't?"

"Well for starters, she wasn't cruel to me when I first got here."

I growled to myself. "I was only acting like a jerk because its how I've been for years. I wasn't raised to be nice, Lucky."

"And, it's not Crystal's life goal to murder me or my brother." She added.

"I'll cut ties with my father, okay? Like I said, I don't want to harm you."

"How do I know this isn't an act? I can't really trust you based on what I know."

This time, I stayed quiet. I don't blame her for not trusting me. I have a bad reputation. There also is a slight chance I would turn my back against her.

We then heard footsteps in the restroom. "Lucky?" Crystal called out.

Lucky pushed past me and opened the stall door. "I'm right here."

"Where's Riley? I saw her drag you in here. Did she hurt you?"

"No, she didn't. I'm fine, lets just get out of here."

I stayed in the stall until they left. Then I exited the bathroom, and instantly bumped into Savannah. "What happened?" She asked. "Crystal and Lucky came out from in here and then left the club."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't worry about it, Savannah." I tried to walk past her, but she blocked my entrance.

"What's going on, Riley? You're upset, I can tell."

"Nothing is wrong, now get out of my way."

"You've been my best friend for as long as I can remember, and your poker face does not work on me. So tell me what's wrong before I go ask Lucky for myself."

"I approached Lucky about my feelings, and she rejected me, okay!? You happy now? Great, now get out of the way." I said, then shoved my friend out of the way.

I went back to campus and entered the dorm room. I was the only one there of course. As I plopped down on my bed, I felt a familiar pain go through me, only it was stronger this time. Lucky and Crystal were probably all over each other. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

"This is what I get for having feelings." I whispered to myself before falling asleep.

Savannah's POV

I honestly have never seen Riley so hurt before. Not since her mom died. Whatever happened between her and Lucky really hit her hard.

Well, when Crystal and Lucky walked out, Lucky did look like she was in deep thought. If Lucky had rejected Riley, then it probably wasn't easy for her to do it.

It's extremely rare for Riley to even have feelings for anyone. I wonder what made her approach Lucky about her feelings in the first place.

"Babe?" I heard my girl call out behind me. "Is everything fine?"

"Um, yeah. Everything's alright." I walked over to Sydney and wrapped my arms around her neck. "But, I think I'm done partying for the night. Take me back to my room? You can stay with me for the night."

"Anything for you, Princess." She smirked.

We arrived back to the room. Riley was already there, sound asleep. I pulled Sydney over to my bed, and pulled the covers over us as she brought me close to her body. We made out for a bit, but we were both tired, so we didn't go any further than that.

I was the last one to fall asleep. I couldn't stop thinking about what Riley was going through. I was probably going to have to talk with Lucky tomorrow afternoon.

If I could convince Lucky that Riley isn't as bad as she seems then maybe that would help their situation for the better.

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