Chapter 11

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Authors note: Hey everyone! I hope you like the story so far! Theres about to be a bunch of plot twists coming up so keep reading:) I am gonna start writing a theme song for each chapter but the theme song for the whole book is Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift! Also remember to vote and comment please! Enjoy:)


"Are you gonna wake her up?" I hear Gemma say from the kitchen.

I am still in my bed sleeping, or at least trying to, I have been up all night with nightmares from my past. I kept Harry up to. Every time I woke up, he woke up and put his arms around me till I fell back asleep. I love him so much. He is so understanding even through everything he now knows.

"Nah. I'm gonna let her sleep a little more, she didnt sleep well last night." I hear Harry say.

"Okay well we have to leave in an hour so make sure she has enough time." I hear Gemma say as her high heels clank against the tile.

I slowly get up and decide to let the world know I am still alive and do not live in my bed. I walk over to the mirror hanging on the wall. Holy shit. I look like complete crap. There are bags under my eyes and my hair is a rats nest. Also, its freezing in here. Do we not have heat or something? I am so agitated this morning.

I put on an old sweater and a different pair of Harry's sweat pants. I throw on a black beanie and slippers. I also put on gloves and socks. I slowly walk into the kitchen where Gemma and Harry are standing, my feet dragging behind me.

"Hello sunshine. What happened to you?" Gemma asks taking sips of coffee.

"Its freezing in here." I say whining. I walk over to the counter and pour myself a cup of coffee. Then I wander to the couch area in search of a thermostat.

"The heater broke. Frank is taking care of it." Gemma says.

"Great." I say under my breath.

I rub my arms to try to warm up. I dont want to sound ungrateful, every little thing just annoys me today.

"Hey baby." Harry says hugging me from behind immediately warming me up.

"I am so cold." I say turning to face him, my face pressed against his shirt and his arms rubbing the small of my back.

"Are you okay? Well besides being cold?" He smirks and giggles and his dimples show. Slowing forming a smile from the corners of my mouth.

"Well, its embarrassing." I say still holding him, while looking up at him.

"Okay I'm going in my room to give you two some, privacy." Gemma grins. "Dont forget to use protection!" Gemma teasingly laughs and runs into her room as I playfully throw a pillow at her.

"Ignore her." Harry laughs. "Whats wrong? Come one Krissi you can tell me!" He says smiling and tickling me at my sides making me laugh and jerk out of our hug.

"I well, ugh I have my period." I say and put my head in my hands smiling, my face completely red of embarrassment.

Harry is laughing and holding his stomach bending over with laughter.

"Stop it!" I say laughing and playfully hit him.

"Aw Krissi is shy because she has her period." He picks me up princess style and carries me into the bedroom while screaming, "KRISSI HAS HER PERIOD EVERYBODY!"

I playfully laugh and slap him. "Take off these ridiculous gloves drama queen!" He says jokingly rolling his eyes. I mock and copy him rolling my eyes as well like a little kid. Harry makes me feel happy. As we laugh he lays on top of me and kisses me gently as I lightly rub his shoulders.

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