America x Reader

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Alfred's p.o.v.
He scrambled around his house getting out different snacks, drinks, and some video games. His absolute best friend (y/n) was coming over to play some video games. That's sort of how you two came to be friends. You both enjoyed video games, so he had invited you over and after that day, he couldn't get your sparkly (e/c) orbs out of his poor burger-loving head. But this time was different. You two were going to pull an all-nighter playing video games.  (y/n) had actually agreed. He wasn't expecting you to. He pulled out a stack of blankets from my hallway closet along with several of the fluffiest pillows he had, and made a nest in his living room. He couldn't have (y/n) be uncomfortable. Okay. Pillows? Check. Blankets? Check. Soda? Check. Chips? Checkedy Check. (y/n)'s favorite candy? Check. He glanced at the clock. 5:30. She said she's coming at 6. A half an hour. 'I wonder what she's gonna wear...will she pull her (h/c) hair up, or would she put it down. I never see her with her hair down.' He wondered aloud to himself. But it didn't matter to him. He just wanted to see her. Truth be told, he had a little crush on (y/n). Scratch that. A HUGE crush...

Your p.o.v.
You had just finished packing your (f/c) duffel bag with your clothes and such. You threw up your hair in a low sloppy bun, eventually planning on taking it out. You changed into (f/c) sweats, a (2nd f/c) shirt, and a (3rd f/c) hoodie. You looked in the mirror and nodded your head in approval, slipped on your shoes, and hummed to yourself as you walked out the door to Alfred's. 'I wonder if he'll like what I'm wearing. Do I look stupid? I wonder if he'll even care...' you chuckled to yourself. You had a crush on the burger loving American for some time, a few weeks after you met it started. But you weren't too keen on telling people how you truly felt. You eventually reached his door and knocked. You heard a series of crashes and thuds before the door swung open to reveal a very-similarly-dressed-to-you-Alfred. "Hey, dudette! You're right on time!" You smiled as he stepped out of the way to allow you inside his house. You walked in to see a nest of pillows and blankets. You slipped off your shoes and took off your hoodie since it was rather warm in his house. "Looks great Alfie!" you walked over and practically dove into the pillows. "Thanks for inviting me over by the way!" You looked over to see Alfred staring at you, with a slight blush on his cheeks. You walked over to him. "Are you okay dude? Your cheeks are sorta red. You getting sick?" You put your hand on his forehead.

Alfred's p.o.v.
He watched as you tore off your hoodie and a little (s/c) skin on your stomach showed. He blushed at the sight. He wanted to touch your soft looking skin, but that made him look like a pervert (like France) so he decided against it. "Looks great Alfie!" He blushed a little harder at the use of his nickname. 'Why does she have to be so beautiful even in lazy clothes?' He thought to himself. He heard you say something but he was in too much of a daze to actually process it. That is, until you stepped closer to him and put your hand on his forehead. "Are you okay dude, your cheeks are sorta red. You getting sick?" He blushed even more if that was even possible. "N-no, I'm all good dudette! The hero can't get sick." He laughed an unconvincing laugh. "Oh, okay. Well, let's get to doing what I came here for! VIDEO GAMES!" He laughed as you fist pumped the air.

Your p.o.v.
You sat down in the pillow nest and picked up a controller, as Alfred did the same. You glanced at the food selection, deciding on a bag of chips as Alfred grabbed a soda. You looked over at him. 'He's pretty cute' you thought to yourself. You studied him for a moment and looked back to the stack of games almost disappointedly. 'He's probably got hundreds of girls after him. He wouldn't see me as more than a friend.' You thought. You stole another glance at him as he read the back of a video game cover, wishing he felt the same way. "How about this one dudette?" He held up the cover for (y/f/v/g). "Sure Alfie. Let's play it."  Multiple hours later, you and Alfred had played around 16 other games, seldom getting up from your spot. At about 1 AM, you started drifting off slightly, Your eyelids feeling heavy.

Alfred's p.o.v.
He looked over at you, only to see you falling asleep. He chuckled to himself. He saw your eyelids fall over your sparkling (e/c) eyes. He scooted closer to you and gently pulled you over to lay your head on his shoulder. He grabbed a nearby blanket and threw it over himself and you. He lightly released your (h/l) (h/c) hair from the hair tie and it came cascading down your shoulders. Alfred ran his hand through your hair, once, twice, and you began to stir. Electric blue met (e/c) as you slightly awoke. Your faces were mere inches away from each other. 'I wonder what she would do if I kissed her...' thought Alfred. He ran through some of the possibilities in his mind as you continued to stare back at him with a faint blush on your cheeks. Alfred made his choice...

Your p.o.v.
'Our faces are pretty close' you thought to yourself. You thought of the possibilities and outcomes if you decided to close the distance. 'He would probably push me away. Besides, I don't have any experience anyways, I've never kissed anyone. I would prob-' your thoughts to yourself were cut off by a slight pressure on your lips. Alfred was kissing you. Your best friend and crush was kissing you. Your eyes widened before you closed your eyes and kissed back. It wasn't a sloppy kiss, it seemed full of repressed emotions and passion. Alas, the kiss was short, because the need for air was calling. As you both broke away, you stared at each other. "Y-you kissed back. I didn't think you would kiss back." Said Alfred. He looked kind of sad as he said it, as you simply stared at him in shock. "I-I didn't even think you would kiss me..." you trailed off. He looked at you and hesitantly spoke. "W-well, could I do it again?"

Alfred's p.o.v.
After the kiss broke, Alfred felt like something left him. He wanted to kiss you again. You spoke softly. "I suppose, if you really want to, I wouldn't mind..." That was all he needed to hear. He gently grabbed the back of your neck and pulled your lips to his once more, and he felt you relax into him. His slightly chapped lips matched with your soft ones perfectly. He slowly broke away and opened his eyes only to find you leaning into his chest. He chuckled. You had fallen asleep. He stroked your
(h/c) hair and leaned back to lay down with your upper half on his chest. He wrapped his arms around you. "Goodnight (y/n)." He said before his own eyes closed. He heard you sigh and you both fell into a deep sleep.

Hetalia x reader one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora