~Not Binding~ Romano x Reader

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There you stood, glaring at your reflection in the dress store mirror. Turning around hesitantly, you looked at the back, which was laced up by a ribbon. You grimaced at the thought of wearing the dress. It was peach, with lace detail and a slightly darker shaded ribbon around your waist. "(y/n) get out here right now! I want to see how it looks!" You rolled your eyes. "I can tell you right now; HORRIBLE!" You heard a sigh and some shuffling before your arm was grabbed and you were yanked out of the dressing room. "It's beautiful on you! We should have got me married sooner!" You rolled your (e/c) eyes. "Please, (sis's/n), not here." She laughed and pushed you back into the room. "We're buying it. That's your bridesmaids dress so deal with it.~" You mumbled angrily to yourself as you changed back into your normal attire, happy to be out of the dress. You snuck out of the changing rooms, dress tucked over your arm. "Oi! (y/n)! What-a the hell are-a you doing here-a ragazza?" You internally screamed. 'No. Not him. Anyone but him.' You tried to speed walk away but a hand gripped your arm. "Is-a that a dress-a?" You hid it behind your back, your face turning bright red. "Y-yes. Why do you care?" He smirked.
"Why-a do you-a need it?"
"A wedding."
"N-NO! Not at all! It's for my sister!"
"Che palle! Don't-a scare me like-a that again ragazza!"
You rolled your eyes. You? Married? Ha. If the boys didn't all make fun of you maybe you'd consider it, but you were rather young after all. Not to mention, you never had a boyfriend once. Your thoughts were interrupted by a tapping on your shoulder. "Hey, ragazza?" You looked at Romano. "D-do you-a have to b-bring-a g-" He was interrupted when your sister came over to take the dress from your arm. "Oh! Romano! Hi!" As the two of them engaged in a conversation, you noticed Romano's curl crumpled slightly. You cocked an eyebrow, but shook it off as your eyes playing tricks on you. A hand then grabbed your wrist as you were dragged off. You turned to Romano. "See you around Roma~!" Romano blushed as you smirked. "Ciao ragazza." As you watched him walk out of the shop, you noticed his curl was in a heart shape. 'Is he...no. It can't be.' Your sister placed the dress on the counter and began the transaction as her and the female cashier engaged in a rather long conversation. You sighed, thinking back to the hotheaded Italian. 'I wonder what he was going to ask?' A blush rose to your cheeks as you considered his feelings towards you. Yes, it was true. You, (y/f/n) (y/l/n) had a crush on Lovino "Romano" Vargas. Your face then dropped. 'He probably wouldn't like me. I'm just me.' "Hey! What's got you so down? Don't like me anymore?" You shook your head. "No, that's not it. It's just...." You sighed. You couldn't do it. Your sister would just freak out. "You like Romano don't you?" Your (e/c) eyes widened. "W-what?! N-how?!" (sis's/n) smirked. "You do so. I can tell." You blushed then growled. "Say a word and you won't live to see your wedding." Thankfully, that was the last shop of the day. The two of you headed home, chatting about small things. Soon, you threw the door open and trudged to your room. You threw your numerous bags down on your bed as well as yourself as you sighed, content to be home. Your sister quickly poked her head in. "Oh, I almost forgot. You have to invite someone with you as a plus one. Good luck!~" You grumbled. "Nice timing, sis. How am I going to find anyone now?!" There was no reply as you slipped on your shoes and walked to your trusted friend Antonio's house. Maybe he'd go with you. He'd keep everything neutral. Your family knew him, so there would be no questions asked. As you knocked on his door, you heard a few thuds before the door opened to reveal a swearing Italian. "O-oh, R-Roma. Is uh, Toni around?" You saw the curl form the slight shape of a heart once more. "No ragazza, he's gone-a for the next two-a days. Something with-a those bastards Gil and Francis." You groaned.
"Damn it!"
"What's-a the big deal-a anyway?"
"I need someone to go to this stupid wedding with me that won't get embarrassed when my family asks stupid questions."
"I-I could-a go."
"Maybe I'll steal a mannequin from that store...yeah...and I'll put it-wait what did you say?"
The heart shape in Romano's curl grew more prominent as he opened his mouth. "I-I said I-a could go-a." Your eyes widened. "Really?! That would be great!" Without thinking, you launched yourself forward and wrapped your arms around Romano's neck and kissed his cheek a few times. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!"
"R-Ragazza I can't breathe..."
"O-oh, sorry."
You took a few steps back and played with the hem of your shirt. "U-um, the wedding is on Thursday." He nodded his head. "So-a I have tomorrow. What-a color do I have-a to wear?" You smiled. "Um, peach. Like sorta light." He disappeared into his house for a moment, then reappeared, holding a bow tie. "This color?" You looked at it, nodding. It matched your dress perfectly. "Perfect. I gotta get going, thank you again for letting me drag you into it!" You laughed, as did he before you waved a final time and headed back to your house to get ready for Thursday.

---Time Skip---

You slipped on the matching flats as you looked at your reflection a final time. Your sister had long left, as she was getting ready at the church. Romano had offered to drive you, and was picking you up in a few minutes. Smoothing out the peach fabric of the dress, you checked your (h/l) (h/c) hair that was left down and hung around your shoulders. You smiled, thankful it was only one day you had to wear the dreadful item. A knock on your front door resounded through your home as you sprinted down the stairs. You opened the door to reveal a rather well-dressed Romano. Clad in a white dress shirt, black dress pants and the peach bow tie, saying he looked good was an understatement. "W-wow Roma...y-you look...great!" He blushed. "Not-a to bad yourself-a, bella." He held out his arm as you looped yours into it. He led you to his red Ferrari and opened the door for you as you stepped in. He got in himself and turned the key, revving the engine a few times before driving to the destination. You two engaged in some small talk on the way, but there was one question that was burning in the back of your mind; 'Why is there a heart on the end of his curl?' You decided not to press however as you had been caught trying to touch it on numerous occasions, with the outcome being anything but pleasant. The engine turned off as you had realized the both of you were at the church. Inhaling deeply, you stepped out of the vehicle. "It'll be fine-a bella." Your brain said otherwise, but you decided to trust your Italian friend. As the two of you stepped in, other bridesmaids soon grabbed you, dragging you to the front of the church as you heard Romano chuckle and sit down. As you took your place, the music soon started and your sister emerged, clad in her bright white gown, embellished with crystals and the sparkling veil covering her face. You smiled at her fiancé as a tear fell from his eyes. Soon enough, the ceremony was underway. You pried your eyes from the scene and looked over to Romano, who was blushing intensely as your grandmother whispered something in his ear. You internally groaned. Leave it to her. You soon heard those six well-spoken words and looked over to see your sister kissing her new husband. You smiled, a tear trickling down your cheek. The after party soon began, as music pumped through a spare room and you found yourself leaning against a wall, out of the crowd. You heard someone clear their throats and looked to see Romano, slightly disheveled. "Grandma wanted to dance, eh?" You chuckled as Romano smoothed himself out. "She's-a more energetic than-a Feliciano!" You smiled brightly. "Thanks for coming with me though. I don't know how to repay you." He smiled a rare smile at you and took your hand. "Then repay me-a with a dance, bella ragazza." A slow song soon started as you were gently dragged to the floor. (sis's/n) and her husband began the dance while others soon joined in, you and Romano included. You both swayed to the beat as you hid your face in his chest when you felt eyes watching you.
"Hey-a, (y/n)?"
"Yeah, Roma?"
"C-can-a I try something-a? Something stupido?"
"U-uh, s-sure..."
Before you could ask what, you felt a pair of lips on your own. Your (e/c) eyes widened. Romano-your crush-was kissing you. How? You don't know. Why? You couldn't answer that if you even tried. But you shrugged it off and pulled him towards you even more as you kissed back. You broke the kiss after a few moments when you heard applause. Blushing, you faced the crowd of your relatives and in-laws as they all smiled at you and your plus-one. Your sister walked towards the stage and climbed up, holding her bouquet. Most of the girls there all scrambled to the front, eager to catch the bouquet. You rolled your eyes and turned back to Romano. "So uh, what was that exactly?" Romano smirked. "Don't-a tell me you-a haven't had your first-a kiss yet." You hid your face in his chest again and nodded.
You heard a chuckle resound within his chest. You stuck your head up, your (e/c) eyes glaring daggers into his own green ones. You flung your arms into the air. "What's so funny?! You-" Your rant was cut off when you felt an object fall into your hands. You shakily looked down to see the bouquet of your sister, white roses and a few peach ones as well. You nearly fainted as your sister's laugh echoed throughout the room. "So-a bella..." You glared at Romano. "What?"
"I-a think the-a tradition is-a you're gonna get married-a..."
"It's not binding..."

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