My Top 10 Favorite Pokemon

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10. Bidoof. Bidoof, Bidoof, Bidoof, Bidoof, BidOOOOOOOOOOOF

9. Infernape. Ash's infernape's blaze is epic

8.Pikachu. Ashs Pikachu FTW!

7. Porygon Z. Hes just awesome IMO

6.Abamosnow. Hes just awesome.

5. Spiritomb. I like paranormal and haunted things alot.

4. Mr Mime. I dont know, i just love mr mime

3. Mewtwo. Hes relatable to me. Smart, has a darker side that rarely comes out, loyal friend.

2. Charizard. Hes Charizard, I mean Come On!

1. Greninja. I just really love Greninja. He's awesome, cool, and original. Also Ash-Greninja FTW

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