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I went to take the trash out this morning and this is what I saw:

Incase you can't tell what those white things are, if you are afraid of bugs you might not want to read this:
Those white things were Maggots on the trash can shudders

I wouldn't say I'm afraid of bugs, but I HATE maggots, get nervous around spiders (not afraid of them, just afraid of being bit), and I don't like the feeling of them squirming around.
For example: Worms. Technically they aren't bugs but they are similar in some aspects, plus this applies to pretty much anything. I like fishing, bit I can't put a worm on a fishing hook, because it squirms around in my hand and I hate that feeling! I wonder what phobia that would be called... Hmmmm.... But it doesn't apply to everything, though. I only don't like it if it's, like, kinda slimy or what ever, it's hard to describe. Like, I can hold a snake. Like one time I got to hold a Boa Constricter, and it can slither around in my arms and I'm fine with it.

Actually, maybe I should make a whole new chapter about my fears...

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