The beggining-1

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Authors note

Hello people of wattpad I am Steelwolf456 and this is my first ever work so this may be confusing and it may be a while between updates because I am making this up as I go along. I love Achievement Hunter and that is why they are my first choice. I am willing to take comments and criticism to make this a good or even a great one plus forgot to add that this may include gore mental torture all those kind of action things this is based on the real achievement hunter but alternate universe


Jeremy's POV

I was walking into the office and I was running a little late...more than a little late as I opened the door to an angry geoff. "You're 56 minutes late we were supposed to start recording 30 minutes ago so we can get our work finished so we can pack for our trip!". Jeremy cocked his head to the side and a sudden realization came over him."Ohhhhh...sorry I forgot amdy alarm clock didn't wake me up a-and I couldn't find my keys a-and I - I'msorry geoff I-" as jery was cut off as geoff started to pace around when he yelled"You can't keep doing this jeremy." Geoff started to calm down, but they didn't realize is that the rest of the achievement hunters came in as they too were waiting for jeremy. "What's goin' on guys everything okay?" Said Micheal with a questionable look on his face. "Everything is fine I just went off on jeremy because he was late again. Sorry lil j I'm just exited but more anxious and-"jeremy cut him off"its alright we're wastin' time let's get recording to recording"


After recording all of their videos for the week so they will be set for their trip they went to a bar to celebrate doing a weeks worth the work in only a day as the clock hit 11:30. They all had beers except for ryan,even if the guys said they would pay him if he had one beer, but he refused. After it was all said and done they all started to go home, Micheal had Lindsey, gavin had Meg, jack caiti, geoff griffin (millie spent the night at her aunt's house because millie was showing her how to play destiny ) but jeremy and ryan didn't have anyone ryan had gotten a divorce because his wife found out about his past, while jeremy didn't have anyone and was so drunk that while getting to the door to go outside he almost fell three times. Ryan asked jeremy if he needed a ride but jeremy refused and said he could walk because they were only a few blocks away from his house and he didn't want to stop ryan from pa c king for their trip in two days.


Jeremy's POV 

I was walking home from the bar that was like 6 blocks from my house when I realized this was pretty long ways away, it's 12:18 pm, and I am drunk, I'm pretty sure I already walked into like two polls but what do I know I can barely stand up straight. I was almost there when I saw a lady being pushed into an alleyway, three guys both wearinghoods when I got to the alleyway she was screaming "I promise I won't tell anyone I promise just let me go!" She was by that time crying and she kept fighting. I had two options go home and feel guilty or help her and probably fail because I can barely help myself get home. I swore under my breath and got their attention "Hey, idiots let the lady go and we won't have any problems." I said trying to put as much courage behind those words and not look drunk. They let her go but in turn they took and through me against the wall one put me in an arms lock and stopped me from moving the second guy started wailing on my chest and then went up to my face. I assumed the lady dialed 9-1-1 after she ran because the cops soon came and by that time those thugs had mugged me and beaten me almost till  I wasn't drunk anymore. J LAYED ON The ground with a gash on my forehead the size of a baseball, broken skin all over, my shoulder left shoulder was dislocated, blood was spewing from my mouth, I was sitting along the wall of a building about to black out when I saw some medics and they got me on a stretcher and they were driving to the hospital and that's when everything went dark.

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