Vacation(part 2)Part 8

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Jeremy's POV 

We decided to go to the beach for our second day of vacation. Everyone wearing their respective swim gear, and by gear I mean swimming trunks and bikinis, except for millie because geoff decided against it. So aparently everyone has been working on their beach body and you can see the shape coming in from everyone, even me I started working out and found it pretty alright, everyone except ryan who was still kind of a dad but I'm gonna change that. "Hey ryan why don't you show us that beach body of yours. You were the one who said that we should start and see who was in better shape." I say trying not to seem anxious. "Jeremy I have a dad bod I won't look as good as any of you." he says with a hint of doubt, "Well ryan" lindsay said "show us that dad bod of yours it won't matter you will always be sexy in our eyes." she said with a slight chuckle "Yeah, I did real work and stopped drinking beer for like 2 days for this whether you look bad or not you take that shirt off now." Geoff added. Ryan looked from me to lindsay to Micheal to geoff, "Fine, fine I'll do it." We all looked at each other at how easy that was well it was ryan a guy who can careless about many things. Ryan stood up and took his shirt off starting from the bottom when he finished all I could do was stare ryan was ripped and had a bunch of unseen muscle I'm pretty sure I stared at him for like 3 minutes when someone broke the silence I didn't know we had it was griffin. "Damn ryan you said you have a dad bod you have the body of...of a model. You look like your old self just much stronger.""Don't patronize me griffin." Ryan said "No I'm serious you look like a body builders, your no Blaine but your really fit like wow." I was thinking to myself at how good ryan looked 'Look at the way slthe sun shines on his muscles, the way they are so clean cut, the way his abs flex when he moves, ryan haywood is the perfect man and im not the only one who thinks that I saw at  least 7 people turn and stare when ryan took his shirt off.' I would have looked longer but it was time to go and mess around in the water but because of my injuries I can't go in because the waves would unbalance me and I would drown or something because j won't be able to move my arm because of the sling. Everyone went in the water except for me so I just watched them all until millie came out of the water and started talking to me "Hey jeremy" she said "how's your arm ?" "Feeling better it doesn't hurt as much as it used to, and it's not itching anymore."I replied "That's good.""So what aren't you playing out their because we're supposed to be having fun and you can't have fun it your just sitting here alone you silly purple haired man." We both chuckled at that because indeed my hair was purple because of a dyeing accident long story short I left my hair pink when I was trying to get it out and the silver stayed in too long and well it became purple. "Hey I have an idea you can't get you sling wet right and you need support si you can stand right maybe we can get ryan too help you out.""No, no that wouldn't be necessary in fine I can sit here." I said quickly. "I wasn't asking Lil J." Millie said with enthusiasm. So millie ran into the water and got ryan he walked over to me while millie went back into the water."Hey someone need help up and into the water.?" I was about to say no when I saw millie along with everyone else mouthing 'yes' so I decided to say yes, wait do they know that I have a thing for they couldn't they can't...right. So we walked into the water, and by walked we almost fell like 5 times but we made it. "See that wasn't so hard now was it." Geoff said "For the record I am actually in some pain, thank you very much."I said in a pretty smug voice.Then it was a very unusual moment of awkward silence until that is Gavin splashe'd water on Geoff, that was his mistake. Geoff picked Gavin up hid feet partly in the water and he threw him as far as he could, which was like 4 feet. Then everyone started doing it, so I joined in and with my free hand I splashed griffin who in return pushed water with both her hands cupped into my face some getting in my nose but I blew it out. Then ryan joined the fun and used his free hand and with one vertical swoop he drenched everyone with water and still while using some of his strength to hold me up. Then we all basically went further into the water where we all would just look like over grown kids, which we were, splashing each other with water.


After the beach we decided to get something to eat because we skipped lunch. We went to a place called Roy's it was pretty evenly close to the beach and we didn't have to really dry off to go inside they had an area specifically for people coming from the beach, but we did sun dry a bit so we weren't drenched we were damp though. There were so many things on the list I wanted to try them all. But we settled on some kind of crab dish that they served I forget the name of it but it was crab with a of kind of stew and it had other kinds of crabs like snow crab, blue crab and even flower crabs and on the side crab bread. It was amazing, it warmed mh heart when I swallowed it. We all got something with crab in it and it turned out amazing turns out they imported alot of them, because there's no real snow crabs in Hawaii, I don't think. Si after we ate it was around like 7pm so we decided to just go for a walk on the beach they had little lantern poles scattered around and so we just followed them back to the hotel which we passed up because we weren't paying any attention to our surroundings. We went to the hotel and we all resined to our rooms and closed shop for the night. Me and ryan took a shower, SEPARATELY dirty model people you know you were thinking that, and headed to bed when ryan pointed out some hung when he just flopped down on the sofa. "Hey Jeremy.""Yeah rye what's up?""I think I know why it is actually classified as a two bedroom on Tripavisor," he then pulled off the couch cushions and after moving the table in front the sofa pulled out a sofa bed."Ohhhh, I feel like an idiot." I said looking down at the floor."No your not, I didn't know either." he simply said."Yes I am and the worst part was that I made you sleep in the same bed as me." I said as I sat on the bed with my head in my hands when I felt Ryan's warmth on my side he put his finger under my chin and lifted my head,"You didn't make me do anything." he said while staring into my eyes I stared into his and I could almost see the passion and the gentleness in his eyes, but i also saw something else. Then he layed back on the bed after putting his hand through my hair. 'He was so close his lips so lose and yet he was so far.' So we then said our good night's and headed off to our separate beds.Then later in the night I heard ryan moving in his sleep so I went to check it out and I then realized why on the plane ryan ran to the restroom, he was having a nightmare and a bad one at that.

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