5. How He Remember

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"You have no idea who they just found in the river this morning" Was the first words my partner said when he arrived at work.

I was lazily sitting on my desk chair as I sipped a cup of coffee to help me regain consciousness. God, so fucking tired. All I could do the past two days was to think about Olivia; how has she lived since she disappeared? Did she struggle with life? How did she meet her fiancé? Is he nice to her, gives her what she truly deserves – pure happiness? How long have they been together? Why doesn't she remember me? Has she really lost her memory or is she pretending not to know me?

What really happened to her?

I was endlessly thinking all night; my body, head and soul are completely too fucking tired for work. One cup of coffee won't be enough this morning. Three however, might suffice.

Scratch that, make it five.

"I don't know, a plane?" I muttered tiredly, my eyes almost closing.

Adam glared at me before rolling his eyes. "A body." He informed. "Holes drilled into it so that it would sink better... only it didn't and resurfaced" He started to explain as he sat down at his own desk besides me. "And guess who it was?" He gasped.

I glared at my partner in boredom. "Who?" I asked uncaring, eyes dropping.


My eyes snapped opened before looking at my partner in disbelief. "You're fucking with me?" He shook his head 'no'. "Linus Green – the bastard who we caught last month only to get out from bail thanks to his hot-shot lawyers?" Adam nodded and I sighed as I slumped back in my seat. "I guess another fucker is off the streets... Too bad it wasn't because he went to jail but had to die by the hands of another fucker."

"Yeah..." He said almost sadly. "Linus was ruthless, I wonder if the other one is more ruthless or just had some luck on his side." He continued and I couldn't help but wonder too... Who the fuck would be able to kill him? The bastard has... had many enemies, but he was powerful. No one would even dare to kill him.

"Alright everyone!" The chief's voice boomed as he entered the precinct. "Another day of work, let's make sure that more criminals gets off the streets today!" He ordered before his eyes found Adam's then mine. "Sparks, Aniston, Knight and Porter – fallow me" He gestured with his finger before walking off towards his office.

The four of us entered and closed the door behind us. Sparks and Aniston – picture two guys in their late 30's, Aniston extremely short and Sparks extremely tall with both too much beer and fast foods in their bellies and you get the picture of how they look like – sat down on the two chairs in front of the chief while Adam and I rested our bodies against the wall, arms crossed over our chests.

"So I guess you've already heard about the body?" He asked as he sipped his coffee.

"Yes sir" We all said in synchronization.

He reached for a folder and threw it in front of dumb and dumber. "It's all yours, don't mess it up"

He informed them quickly about what happened and in the end, once again he told them not to fuck up. If he have to tell them twice, they shouldn't have gotten this assignment, I thought before the two morons excited the office but not before they smiled triumphal at us – like they had won.

Fuck you, my eyes snapped back. The tall moron who saw my glare flinched in fright before exiting the room.

"Sit down boys" The chief's voice echoed in the room and we did as we were told before he threw another folder towards us. When we looked at him confusedly, he nodded towards the documents and I opened it up to see what kind of information it held. When I read the first paragraph, my eyes widened. "Don't think I didn't know" The chief said in amusement as Adam took a sneak peek at the documents, also looking shocked after.

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