13. How They Miss Each Other

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She ran away... Again.

Except this time, I knew she would come back to me eventually or if she didn't - I would make her. I can't blame her for running - wanting to get away from me. Being around me probably brings back memories, weather she realize it or not and in a way - it must be painful.

Eventually, she will remember me again. I just knew it.

And I know she will come back to me because even though she wants to run away from me, she can't because deep down she still loves me. We've been over this before when we used to fight, we got mad and needed to get away from the other but we always came back and apologized.


Because we love each other whole heartedly.

... Even if she doesn't remember it yet.

I was lonely without her present. My body was itching, like it knew that something - or someone - was missing.

And it fucking sucked!

I didn't know what to do with myself so I did the last thing anyone would expect me to do - I cleaned. The bathroom, kitchen and then livingroom. I even started to do my fucking laundry! The old Olivia would have fainted if she saw me in this moment, the new one probably would too even though she has only lived with me for a short period of time - she probably knows me enough to know... This is not how I usually do things.

A knock from the door echoed in the apartment and brought me back to reality. Sighting, I walked towards the door and opened it after pressing start on the machine.

"Well, you look terrible." Was the first thing Adam said as he walked past me and into the apartment.

I closed the door and followed him as he walked towards the kitchen. He sat down on a chair as I stood up and leaned towards the kitchen counter, dragging my hand through my messy hair as I sighed. "She knows..."

God, what do I even call her now? Grace or Olivia?

I've started to become used at calling her Grace, but deep down she will always be Olivia to me. Even if she for some reason would want me to continuing calling her by her fake name.

Adam's eyes widened. "She knows?" He gaped at me shocked, knowing what the words meant without me explaining further. Looking around the apartment he asked "Where is she? Did you fight?"

I sat down on the chair in front of him. "She's with Holly."

"Oh... Well good, at least she's safe. Is this why you called me to come over?"

"No... I confronted Sam earlier." I confessed.

Adam smirked. "Who won?" When I got broody and didn't answer, he started to laugh, slapping his leg in amusement as he did. "Dude, you're a fucking detective, how could you not win?"

"He was a lot more experienced than I thought." I snapped at him, my eyes turning into slits in frustration before sighing. "He had training."

I didn't have any bruises on my face and I'm not sure yet about the rest of my body. But even so, my body fucking aches. I'm positive he have been trained by someone to fight the way he do.

"What, like a cop?"

"No... If he was, he wouldn't have brought us the documents in the first place." I dismissed the idea.

"What then? A gang?"

A chill spread down my spine, the possibility was there and it was honestly something I had thought about. "I guess we'll find out, he's coming over." I looked at the clock on the microwave.

Forever Yours #Wattys2017 FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now