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King Jacob sat at the dining room table, across from his beautiful wife, Queen Teresa.

     It was a bright morning, around 9:00 am, they were enjoying their breakfast complimented with a glass of orange juice, when the King suddenly paused. He had noticed something was missing. Something wasn't right, something out of order. It perplexed him until moments later it finally came to mind...the Prince is still upstairs asleep.

He exhaled and shook his head while the Queen looked up from her plate.

"What it is, darling?" she asked.

He made a quick gesture towards the empty seat next to her and cleared his throat. It puzzeled her at first but then she noticed what was missing. Or should I say who..

"He's probably still asleep dear, it's still early" she sighed.

"Early is nothing to me. He should be up and present with his family. It's in due respect." he stated, not daring to look up from his plate. Teresa glared at Jacob while he contined to eat his beakfast in silence.

Teresa pursed her lips and got up from the table. King Jacob noticed her absence and continued to eat in silence.

The Queen made her way into the kitchen, where the staff and chefs were doing their daily duties and eating as well. '' Goodmorning, your majesty!" they all greeted.

She smiled, "Morning everyone. Has anyone seen Daniel?" she looked around the area for her son's personal butler. Other than being the mans' servant, the Prince and Daniel were the best of friends.

"Yes your highness?" Daniel spoke from behind her. She turned around, "Ah yes, Daniel. Could you go wake up the royal pain in the butt for me, please and thank you. The King is being difficult." she giggled after her last sentence.

"Of course your highness." He bowed and quickly scurried out of the kitchen. The Queen then faced the staff, "You may coninue to your duties" she nodded then went to fill the company of her husband.


     Quickly pacing up the staircase, I silently cursed myself. Why did I not remember to wake the Prince this morning?

I do it everyday, it's become a natural habit and today is the day I forget.  What kind of servant am I?

I knocked on his door three times before realizing it was unlocked. "Master Ja'cobi?" I whispered.

I let myself in, stepping on a few clothes on the way. Sigh, I keep telling him to put his clothes in the hamper but nooo. He's always been a junkie person, why am I surprised.

"Ja'cobi?'' I said a little louder this time. The Prince groaned and grumbled in his sleep. He laid  across his king-sized mattress in only his boxers. I scoffed and walked beside his bed.

'' 'Cobi, get up."

He stirred in his sleep but didn't respond.

I nudged him in his shoulder now growing impatient, " C'mon man, up!"

"Mmhmm!" he waved his hand at me.

"My dude get up--" I gasped once I saw his back as he turned away from me.

"Yo!" I slapped his back causing him to jolt up.

"The fuck, man? I'm up alright?" he spat. "You were supposed to be up an hour ago." I mentioned while fixing the sheets on his bed.

"Well, not everyone is a early bird, Daniel" he stretched.

"You better hope the King and Queen don't see your backside, your highness. They will flip" I pointed out.

"Ah, you like it? I got it just for you, Daniel-" he turned his back to me, "-gone head, read it."

I stopped fluffing his pillows for moment to read the ink that was marked in his skin. He arched his back so I could see it clearly, it read: "Let the little things be your best things. Don't settle for less."

I raised an eyebrow at him, " And how does that quote pertain to me, seyor?"

"You always expect so much, Danny boy. You musn't be so uptight."

"If I wasn't uptight, I'd lose my job-" I went back to making his bed "-Especially while dealing with you. Get dressed"

He let out a laugh and headed to his bathroom


"Daniel, I'm nervous" said Prince Ja'cobi as I fluffed out his curly hair. "It'll be fine, Jay. She will be beautiful, you will be happy and I get a raise. Everyone lives happily ever after" I grinned.

He sighed along with a smirk, "You know what I mean. What if she doesn't like me? What if she thinks I'm ugly?"

Not meaning to but I laughed out loud. He is being ridiculous. "Of all the late night call backs you get from strange women on a daily basis, you are no where near it."

Ja'cobi blushed a bit before exhaling, "What would I do without you, Daniel?" he asked.

I patted his shoulder, "Die alone." He chuckled. I huffed out air, "Alright, you ready?" I asked.

The Prince pursed his lips together before saying, "Yes. Yes, let's do this"

I opened the door for Master Ja'cobi as he walked out professionally.


Downstairs waiting for him was his wife-to-be in a few months, Princess Ivy. She was as nervous as the Prince was.

Not knowing what the future may hold, they both were in for a huge surprise.


Hey, finally updating this. I really like the story hopefully you guys will to.

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