What am i feeling?

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My eyes opened wide, I wasn't expecting that but why did he do that he likes Jessica doesn't he?

Jackson sat up "uhh..s-sorry" he looked like he regretted it. "What was that for?" I still stayed on the floor but I sat up as he sat on the white couch beside us. "I don't know why I did that I'm sorry, can we just pretend it didn't happen?" He gave me a pleading smile and I nodded my head "Ye I mean it's not like it meant anything right? I mean we're best friends nothing can or will happen" I smiled back and sat in the other side of the couch. "Ye we're just friends" it went quiet for a little bit but my mum broke the silence by walking in my room "Millie darling I-" she stopped as she could see this was an awkward moment we both looked up at her. "Umm sorry I just wanted to say that I made cake if you guys want any" she smiled "thanks mum we will be right down "ok darling" she closed my door and I got up not looking at Jackson but he began to talk so I had no choice to look at him "I think I'm gonna go home" he said whilst picking up his school bag "ok" and I smiled and walked down stairs to the door behind him as he left I felt like I had to say something "see ya tomorrow" and I waved "uh Ye" he waved back.

I went into the kitchen and ate my dinner because it was ready and on the way out of the kitchen to my room I grabbed a piece of cake.

I flopped on my bed finishing the last bit of cake in my mouth. I couldn't stop thinking about Jackson and the kiss I wonder if he is thinking about it as well he probably isn't why would he we are only friend. I started to feel sad about the thought of me and Jackson only being friends. Why though what is wrong with me I only want to be his best friend right? I can't have feelings for him. I cant love him.

 I cant love him

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