Hopes and dreams

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I wake up to my alarm not remembering falling asleep, I felt so confused and didn't even now what day it was. Then I remember my alarm only wakes me on the week days. But it's Saturday.

I go to my closet and see the dress from yesterday hanging up and so I put it on again because I must not of warm it yet,I walk downstairs to find my mum making breakfast I ask her "what day is it?" Looking shocked at me she says "Friday, and you are going to be late if you don't leave now" my mouth dropped open and I ran upstairs still confused and I brush my hair and do my makeup even though I don't usually do it and I ran out the house grabbing my bag.

I get to school a little before the bell and go to my locker so I can get my books. Everyone is staring at me as if I'm someone completely different but I just ignore them.
Then I start to think.if it's Friday? Then that means I never saw Jackson and Jessica together, it must have been a dream. A slight smirk came across my face.
I turn round to see my best friend smiling at me and I just smiled back. "Guess what" he starts to tell me "what?" I reply "I was thinking, I'm gonna ditch my date with Jessica tomorrow and hang with you instead" he looked down and smiled at me. I was just shocked "you had a date
With her?"
"Well yeah but it's fine, she only wanted me to go shopping with her and Sofia anyway" we both laughed and I said "fair enough but what about your crush on  her?"
"There are other Saturdays" he smiled.
It was that moment I realised I loved my Best friend.

It was that moment I realised I loved my Best friend

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