Last Night

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That's the last thing I remembered. The next thing I saw was a teal ceiling. I could feel warm blankets surrounding me. This wasn't my house. Where was I?

As I tried to sit up, my head was suddenly too heavy and I fell back down. I noticed a small table next to me. On top of it was a note held in place by a glass of water.

'Call for me if you need anything.

I gladly drank the water, my head still swimming. I was still concerned about how I had ended up in Peridot's house. I opened my mouth to call for her, but a scratchy, hoarse whisper was all that came out. After a few minutes of trying to work my voice, I finally heard steps coming down the hall. I then saw a green hoodie appear in the doorway, and Peridot with a mess of hair around her head entered the room.

"Lazuli. Did you need something?"

She was very obviously still tired.

"Yeah...what happened last night?"

She frowned.

"You mean after you passed out and got us kicked out of the bar?"


"Sorry Peridot..."

"Hmph. Well, after that, I noticed you were completely done for. In a city like ours, there's no way an ambulance would get to you before morning, so I helped you stumble back to my car. I drove you home, and now you're here. Once you feel better I can drive you back to your house."

She told the story with almost no emotions, and she very obviously didn't want to be there. I said a quiet 'thanks' before waving her out of the room. My thoughts were the only thing left with me, and they wouldn't stop. My thoughts often got me in trouble.

'Why did you drink so much? You never drink that much. You could've died. She was so nice though! You'll never see her again. Why did you drink so much? Why did you drink so much?'

I couldn't answer that thought. Even though an answer might've been pulling at the back of my brain, I couldn't find it. Little did I know, the answer was playing video games in the room next to me.

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