Chapter 6

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Horrible cliffhanger. If you even count it as one. This is a really short filler chapter so yeah. Can't wait for Friday! We have half-days on Fridays and and on Friday we have this battle of the classes thing.

Vote, comment and all that jazz if you like this story/ chapter. I put chapter 7 as chapter 6... Brain fart


As I was watching the boys play, and fail miserably, my phone let out a ding.

It could only mean one thing. I got an important email.


From: Victoria's Secret

Hello Adria. This does not happen often but when it does, we are terribly sorry. Due to your parents request, we are not able to train you anymore. Again, we are sorry about this inconvenience. We hope to work with you again in the future.

Sincerely, Victoria's secret

I gasped, shocked. Then, anger filled me.

How dare they?

They knew how much I enjoyed modeling. It was a passion. My fists curled up and I was ready to punch anyone that came near me.

I hit the pillow and screamed.

Cam paused the game and looked at me.

"Girl, what the hell are you yelling for?"

"I hate my parents, I hate my parents, I hate my parents!" I repeatedly said.

Matt sat beside me on the bed.

"What happened?''

I told him about how my parents probably forced the Company to fire me.

I was so pissed.

Matt could tell too, he spoke softly and listened when I complained about how much I hated my parents and all that stuff.

Cam continued to play, but he was listening too.

Cam died again and just gave up. He threw the controller at Matt, which resulted in him getting hit in the head with it.

I burst out laughing with Cam as Matt fell to the floor and lied there.

After awhile, he started laughing along with us.

Cam was laughing so hard he had to go into the bathroom to calm down.

We just spent 10 minutes laughing. For no reason. At all.

And Matt was still on the floor, practically crying.

5 minutes passed and Cameron finally came out of the bathroom.

Matt rolled over like a lump and grabbed Cameron's ankles as he dashed into the room.

He screamed and landed into me. I cringed as Cam fell on my legs.

They kept trying to smack each other.

"You fight like girls!" I yelled.

They stopped and looked at me.

Matt flicked the back of my foot, and I squealed.

"You scream like a girl!" He said.

I stuck my tongue out at him.

He did it right back.

"I didn't scream, I squealed" I informed him, shoving Cameron away from me.

"Fine, you SQUEAL like a girl!"

"That's because I am a girl!"

Cameron fist bumped me. We turned back to the TV, the console had automatically shut off, and Sponge Bob was currently on the screen.

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