5: Mirror (Jinyoung POV)

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5: Mirror (Jinyoung POV)

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I really don't know what is more frightening. The fact that there was a girl pinning me down with her brute strength, or the fact that my identity was going to be leaked out. Either way, I felt screwed, literally.

What is Madam K going to say? I had never failed her before, so why, of all times, at my peak, does my first faliure come now?

Still, I closely watched as Hayoung observed my ID. The girl pinning me down (I think her name was  Chorong) was refusing to release me from her tight grip. Painful, yes, but I think my mind was feeling more pain than that.

Hayoung...she reminded me of someone. In fact, as I thought about it, I had seen her before...


I was in the room of someone's house. It was strangely familiar, but I just could not place whose house it was.

I was in the middle of building something with blocks, so I presumed this was when I was younger.

There was this girl next to me. She was playing with her dolls while watching me intently.

"Jin! It's gonna fall!" she squealed.

As if on cue, the structure I worked so painstakingly on topplled to the floor. I was upset because of that.

"Haha, you pabo!" the girl laughed.

(Flashback End)

It had taken me a while to finally register this, but Hayoung really reminded me of this girl in my dreams. Lately, this same dream has been replaying in my head, and though initially puzzled, I didn't think much of it.

Hayoung, meanwhile, had been staring at my ID for a while. Suddenly she looked at me with a frozen stare.

 "You're Oh Jin Young?" she asked the obvious.

"Yeah, so?" I challenged in an attempt to regain my voice.

"Do you remember seeing me before, Jinyoung?" Hayoung suddenly probed while dropping all formalitites.

"What do you mean? I never even knew who you were until this day." I huffed.

Hayoung suddenly asked Chorong to get her a mirror. Perhaps worried for Hayoung's safety, Chorong reluctantly went to find a mirror.

Now...I thought, you can finish the job here.

I was tempted to shove Hayoung away, grab my gun and finish the mission. But my feet and hands were unwilling to move.

Then, I noticed that she wore a pendant around her neck. Additionally, the pendant looked quite similar to mine...

"Oh? My pendant?" Hayoung suddenly noticed me staring at it. "My brother and I got this when we were young."

"You have a brother?" I asked.

Chorong returned with a mirror and was relieved to see Hayoung unhurt. Well, if she was a mind-reader, I guess I would have beem slaughtered already for thinking of killing Hayoung despite everything.

"I do have a brother," Hayoung spoke again as she took the mirror from Chorong.

That's when the latter must have realised something shocking. She stepped back slightly and did not say a word.

"Hayoung ah," Chorong spoke, "He...loooks like..."

"Rong unnie," Hayoung smiled at her, "I'm glad you have seen it."

Hayoung put the mirror in front of our faces. And boy was I in for a shock.

I rarely looked at the mirror these days because I thought nothing much about my appearance. However, as I stare at mine and Hayoung's faces, I could not help but notice...

...that I was practically the male version of Hayoung!

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A/N: Really short, but I will promise to bring a long chapter soon.

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