20: Captive (Yookyung POV)

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20: Captive (Yookyung POV)

A/N: A reminder on things: Yookyung doesn't know anything about the drug.

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"Send her in!" one of my captors was commanding.

For the entire journey, actually even when we arrived for that matter, I was blindfolded. Was my hostage ground so secretive that I cannot even know where it is?

I just relied on my hearing abilities to get an idea of what was going on.

From what I guessed, the place we were at now has a cold atmosphere. It was seemingly very quiet, but I could detect faint sounds of knives being sharpened. Slaughterhouse maybe? Ok Yookyung, stop thinking wildly.

My captors then shoved me hard onto the floor. I had remained relatively silent all this while, so scared that I'd land myself into more trouble if I fought back.

After what felt like eternity, my blindfold was removed rather forcefully.

I was surrounded by grey, stone walls that gave off this formindable air. To say this was an underground of a castle was a little of an overstatement though. It was still like a prison cell to me...

"How do you like this place?" a new voice asked. Seemed like it came from a PA system.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" I asked as calmly as I could while restraining myself from hollering in anger.

"Me?" she asked. "We actually have quite a bit in common~"

"How? We never met..." I questioned.

"You've got competition here, just a reminder..." she sneered. "For now, let's put you to sleep."

Then some more of that person's comrades appeared and pinned me onto the ground. Seemed likethey were about to force something into my mouth...something liquid...

Immediately, I did not hesitate to take action.

The next few moments passed by in a blur. I swiftly applied all my taekwondo and self-defence lessons to use and proceeded to kneeing, shoving and practically overpowering my captors. It was difficult because they were just as skilled as I was.

When I did eventually beat them all though, I really thought that the worst had passed...until I started to feel faint.

The room was being gassed...

"Well done for making a mess~" the voice congratulated sarcastically. "Now go to sleep~"

I felt my body getting weaker by the second, until eventually, I fell asleep.

(Flashback End)

My eyes slowly fluttered open. I was still surrounded by darkness. Perfect.

Where I was exactly, well the recent events were slowly coming back to me: fight scene, getting kidnapped...

The day when I first got attacked slowly came back to me. Don't tell me this was really happening?

I felt a presence within my prison cell. Seemed like I'm not alone...

"Y-Yookyung?" a familiar voice called my name.

"Dugu?" I asked still in a daze.

A hand was seen through the darkness. Finally, when I adjusted to my surroundings, the familiar face was identified.

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