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ENTRY 1010

The war is over.

I don't feel anything in regards to what I should be feeling. My wife and son are dead both butchered because of this war. All because we tried to save humanity we get attacked. No its more complex than that, Adam said before he wanted us to join them. So it stands to reason we as a group hold tremendous power in the gov's. But it doesn't matter, long range comms are down for the time being. We have no way of contacting earth if it still stands.

It has been at least a week since the end of the battle my ship was repaired along with the survivors. The confirmed list of survivors is too low, two of my generals survived at the least. Grayson and Striker II survived the battle. They took down the massive ship with only a small amount of backup. Last count of ships left in this fleet was sixteen including The Prime Acolyte.

I don't know if I could have done anything different. It doesn't matter anyway, we couldn't have avoided the war. Except of course going back on what my father wanted was for me to find answers. But during this journey I forgot the questions for those answers. The answers we seek may not be worth all this bloodshed.

Grayson has asked for a meeting on his ship, to discuss what we do from here. I agreed and we meet in fifteen minutes. Striker sent one of his trusted allies to pilot my ship while I am away.



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Insight enters the room where Grayson sits at the end of the table with a smile. He beckons Insight to sit down in front of him. Insight sits down and relaxes exhaling a deep breath.

INSIGHT: "I'm glad you called this meeting, I want to know how my wife was killed."

GRAYSON: "Sir I already explained this in my report but I'll oblige. We were fighting off The Acheron and it fired off dozens of missiles into her ship. We gave chase and called Striker II to fight with us. He distracted him long enough for what remained of our ships to destroy its shields. Then Striker sliced The Acheron in two."

INSIGHT: "But it doesn't add up, the camera footage shows you firing at The Acheron and then hitting my wife. Beyond that it would be safe to assume you took a risk and ended up hitting the wrong target. Is that true?"

Grayson moves his fingers nervously but still maintains the facial expression.

GRAYSON: "Yes I wanted to tell you face to face that I killed your wife."

INSIGHT: "But why face to face?"

GRAYSON: "To get you in the same room as me of course so we can figure out next plan. We need to plan for another attack if they had reinforcements out there."

INSIGHT: "They had called in their reinforcements and the majority of their fleet came here. We have sixteen ships left we could easily defeat them if it came down to it. We don't need to prepare for something that won't happen. We can take a moment to relax and head down to the planet and-."

GRAYSON: "Stop being foolish. We spent two years in orbit searching that planet for something useful! We have failed in this mission and it is time to fucking leave!"

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