Male Reader x Yandere Kurama (Naruto)

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Kurama will be in human form for some of this. 

Requested By: Silversoul71


(M/N) (L/N)'s p.o.v

I was small, compared to everyone else. Including everyone in my family. It's not like I actually wanted to be small and weak, but it happened so I just dealt with it. It was the life I was given, and I was going to live in this so-called hell rather I liked it or not. School was a pain in the ass and making friends was an understatement. "Maybe you should just disappear." "It's not like you're worth anything." "Why are you still here?"

"You should just leave this planet." "Are you too lazy to end it all?" "Did you start cutting yet?" "If you're just going to frown all the time you should just leave and not come back at all." "What's up with your face?" "Why are you so ugly?" "Stop acting miserable, you're ruining my day." "Six feet under sounds good for you right about now." "Kill yourself (M/N)." Yeah, I heard stuff like that everyday, but the last one always stays on my mind. 'Kill yourself (M/N).'

What was the reason for telling me stuff like that anyway? To make themselves feel the slightest bit better? To make my life worse then it already was? To make it seem like I was less than a person? A sorry excuse for a human life? I had no clue what they wanted, or even got out of telling me things like that. But eventually, I just learned to deal with all of it happening. It took a toll on me though, I won't lie. That's probably why I always put myself down.

But that all changed when I had this weird dream. Some fox type thing with nine tails was smiling down at me, I myself in one of his paws confused as ever. "I will save you soon enough my love" he whispered, gently placing his black nose on my chest. I smiled. Happy someone at least cared for me? But then....I woke up. Dreams like that continued to happen every night, the more I slept, the more detailed they'd get. They were peacefully in my opinion, I was falling in love with someone in my dreams, until he told me something very heartbreaking.

"I won't be able to see you here anymore" he whispered, caressing my cheek. A few weeks ago, he morphed into his human form. Not surprised he's taller than me, but he has long red hair with Fox ears on top, red eyes with slits in them, long fingernails and his nine tails. "Will I see you again?" I ask sadly, not really happy with the news. "In one years time, just wait for me" he whispered, placing his forehead against mine. And that's exactly what I did, I waited for him.

Counting down the days and nights until I ended up losing count. I was now in high school, my second year to be exact. "Hello, my name is Kurama, I hope you take care of me." No last name? What's up with that? Well, I didn't care, he wasn't going to speak to me anyway and all the girls were making a big scene over nothing, or so I thought. I still haven't looked at his face yet. The teacher told him where to sit and then I heard so footsteps get closer and closer to me until he stopped right in front of my desk.

I looked up to see a guy with long red hair and matching eyes, three whiskers on each cheek. My eyes widened in surprise and I couldn't help but blush. He smiled at me and sat down in front of me, the girls in the class glaring at me furiously. "Why do you have to be so lucky?" One girl yelled at me as she slapped my cheek. "You aren't even worth his smile." Another one yelled, slapping my other cheek. I raised an eyebrow, unfazed by their actions.

"You do realize you barely know this guy right? No one even had a full conversation with hi-" "Shut up!!" Another girl yelled, getting ready to punch me but that same redhead ended up blocking her punch from hitting me. "Hit him one more time and you'll be six feet under" he whispered dangerously low, a sadistic smile on his face. The girl quickly pulled away from him with wide eyes and they all walked away. "Thanks, I guess" I sighed, rubbing my cheeks.

The redhead, know as Kurama, turned around and hugged me, resting his chin on my shoulder. "Did you forget me?" He asks sadly and I shake my head. I wrap my arms around his neck and sigh in relief, taking in his sent. "I lost count of the days, I was thinking you'd never come." He pulled away from me and pecked my lips. "I promised I would save you and protect you and I intend to keep that promise." I smile at him, resting my forehead on his chest as he places his chin on my head.

That's how life was for me for the rest of the school year, everything going just fine. The bullying stopped, but so did some of the people at school. It was like half of the kids there disappeared and it's like their families did too. Most people stayed away from me and I had no idea why. They looked too scared to even look at me, even the teachers looked frightened. What was really going on with everyone? What's up with all of the silence when this school use to be rowdy as ever?

"Do you think something weird is going on at school?" I asked Kurama as I sat on his bed next to him. He looked confused. "Like?" "Well, there's not many people at school and-" "I don't care about them, so why should you?" He asked seriously and my eyes widened. 'What the hell is up with him?' I asked myself and he let out a sigh, pulling me into his arms. "Why do you care where they went? They treated you like dirt." I was scared to answer him, so I just buried my head into his chest.

"Why are you so curious anyway?" He asked confused. "W-well, everyone looks at me like they're scared of me a-" "and who might these people be?" He asked pulling away from me. "I don't think that matt-" "Who are they?" I shivered at his tone. It sounded so murderous and I could feel the glare in his eyes. They were in slits and I didn't even have to look. "It doesn't matter" I whisper shakingly and I hear him growl, pulling me into his chest.

"Listen to me (M/N)" he whispers, his tails wrapping around me one by one. "I will not let anyone take you away from me, you are mine." My eyes widened in shock. "W-what?" I asked confused and he lifts my chin up with his finger, his eyes staring into mine with mixed emotions. "At first I thought I was going crazy when I felt the need for a mate." He chuckles. "But then I laid my eyes on you. The way everyone treated you and looked down on you, I was angry and didn't even know why."

He was smiling down at me, his hands cupping my cheeks. "I couldn't help but watch from afar until I had enough, I had to meet you somehow, so I meet you in your dreams in my true fox form. You didn't even look scared of me, you actually smiled at me. You were my joy and light, but then you had to just keep waking up, I couldn't see you when you were awake." He sounded almost angry, no, pissed is more like it. "So I took a year to get a physical body and meet you again."

"I felt sad when I thought you didn't remember me, but then I found out you never did forget, which made me happy. I got to spend more time with you, saving and protecting you. I then noticed I had fallen deep in love with you, but all of those damn people just wanted us to stay apart. So I got rid of them, I will not allow anyone to take you away from me." My whole body froze. "W-wha-" "they will no longer bother you (M/N), I made sure of that."

I started to shake. My body started moving on its own and I tried to push him away from me, but his tails were making it impossible. "I will not allow you to leave me (M/N), you have made me fall for you, and now you have to deal with the consequences." My eyes were as wide as dinner plates. His eyes looked down at me lovingly and he had a smile on his face, his canine teeth showing. Tears fell from my eyes as I kept trying to push him away from me.

"Please let me go" I begged him, my hands pushing his shoulders away from me. "Shhh," he whispered, his arms and tails pulling me twords him in a hug, his chin on my head as he ran his fingers through my (H/C) hair. "I'm here." I continued to cry, my begging and pleading not getting me anywhere. I eventually tired myself out and felt sleep try to take me. "I love you (M/N)." That was the last thing I hear before I fell asleep in Kurama's arms.


Next Chapter:

> Male Reader x Yandere Kaneki Ken {Tokyo Ghoul} <

> Blind Male Reader x Rogue Cheney {Fairy Tail} <

> Shy Male Reader x Aomine Daiki {Kuroko No Basket} <

See y'all soon

~ Tae

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