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 The ceiling. That is all I see, that is all I ever see. Just a plain, white, empty wall of nothing. Just like me, nothing. I hate living here. It’s like living in a jail cell. Except no one here cares, no one here even cares enough to feed you. It’s not like a jail cell where you can at least see some light through the bars. No. I am stuck, trapped, and dying in this dark prison. The prison of my mind.

Oh. I’m sorry. You’re probably wondering who I am. Hi, I’m Skylar. I’m 13 years old and live in St. Mary’s Orphanage. You’re probably wondering why I’m here, right? Well, you see, my mother passed away when I was 2 years old and I was left alone with my dad. Let’s just say my dad did not take the news all that great and, well... changed. I don’t really want to get into detail. I don’t like letting my emotions out, or sharing my feelings. Eh. Basically, he was abusive. That is all I am going to say. Eventually, after years of abuse, he just got sick and tired of me and threw me out. 


“Skylar! Get down here right now!”

He was yelling. I always get scared when he yells. It usually leads to a lot of pain.


Okay! Now I have to go. He’s already really mad.

I leave my room and run down the stairs as fast as my 5 year old legs can take me. As I reach the bottom and head towards the door, I see him standing in front of his car, waiting for me. He tells me to get in, so I do.

 As we are driving, I decide to ask him where we are going, but soon regret it.

“Where are we going Daddy?” I ask curiously, swinging my dangling short legs back and forth on the car seat.

“You’ll see,” he said with an evil smirk.

“Where?! I wanna know!” my impatient 5 year old self said.

“STOP! You are annoying the hell out of me!” he said getting angry.

“No! Now!” I demanded. Stupid toddler.

Suddenly the car started to speed up and swerve around cars. My dad started becoming very aggressive. He pulled into a dark alley near a big building. He grabbed and shoved me out of the car, throwing me to the floor.

“What did you say Bitch!” he screamed.

I just shrunk back and curled into a ball to protect myself as best as I could. He kicked me and held me up against the car using the collar of my shirt. He soon moved his hands to my neck.

“You little worthless piece of shit! You’ve ruined my life. You are the reason my wife died; you killed her. You killed your own mother. I hate you! She hated you! No one could ever love someone like you, someone so pathetic and useless. NEVER. I have had enough of you. I never loved you, and neither did she. You are so selfish. Look at you. You’re a fat ugly cow! You eat so much that you make others starve. You deserve to rot in hell.”

I silently started to cry. The tears rolling down my cheeks landed on his hands and started to make his grip around my neck slippery and loose, making it harder to hold my body up. I was slowly being strangled. It was getting harder and harder to breathe. I opened my mouth to say something, but he cut me off by banging my head really hard against the car. He then let go, and my little fragile body collapsed to the floor as I sobbed. He kicked me once more in the back and then grabbed my hair and dragged me to the front door of the big building. He quickly and aggressively knocked on the door.

 A woman with a very obvious fake smile opened the door, slightly annoyed. My dad just threw me in there, flying through the door. He then whispered something to the woman and another man standing near her, but it was too quiet for me to hear. He quickly turned around and left, loudly slamming the door behind him, not saying a word. I was left on the cold, hard floor.

End of Flashback.


I was shaken out of my thoughts by my name being called from downstairs. I looked at the time; it was now 6pm, almost dinnertime. Ugg. I wiped my hands over my exhausted eyes, but to my surprise they were dry. I didn’t even cry. That has been happening a lot lately. I used to cry when I had nightmares or flashbacks, but not any more. I guess I’ve just become so numb and empty. It’s like I have no emotion, almost as if I were, dead.

I grabbed my iPod, the only possession I had in this dirt whole, and brought it downstairs with me. All the kids were getting their food. I haven’t come down to eat all week, so if I didn’t come down today, they would probably suspect something. They don’t serve much food here anyway. Sometimes they even take away my food and say that I don’t deserve it and that I’m too fat. Doesn’t that just boost your already extremely low self-esteem! I’ve always had issues with food anyways. Whatever, I’ll just get rid of it after.

I serve myself very little food and sit down. I stare at it with disgust and fear. I plug my earphones in and turn on my music. It works as a distraction. I wasn’t in the mood to go through my songs and pick one so I just randomly chose a playlist. I internally smiled a little bit when I realized that I had chosen my Demi playlist. She was my idol, role model, inspiration, hero, and life savior. Basically my everything. She has been there for me when no one else has.

But my small smile soon fell as Skyscraper started playing. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore and love Skyscraper. It has saved me countless times and has gotten me through my darkest days. It is one of my favorite songs in the entire universe, if not my favorite. The song has and always will have a special place in my heart. It’s just; I’m so weak. I am not even close to being near a skyscraper, nor will I ever be. Hell, I’m not even going in the same direction as the sky. It’s the complete opposite. I’m not rising; I’m falling. I’m falling down, towards hell. And me sitting here trying to eat, and failing, is just another reminder. Another reminder of fat, pathetic, worthless Skylar.

I can’t help but think:



Ironic, isn’t it?

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Author’s Note:

This is my first time writing a fan fiction, so I’m really excited! I hope you guys like it! What do you guys think of Sky? Please vote and comment if you like it. I love comments. All suggestions are welcome. I also really appreciate constructive criticism. This is my first time writing and I really want to get better. So if you see something that can be improved or have any ideas, please share them with me. Thank you to all of you who read this! ily <3 Stay Strong

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