Chapter 3

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My ray of light dead?

Never going to happen.

I will always protect her.

"I will be in Mystic falls in about three hours make sure you whole gang is there at the boarding house by then." I said starting to pack my bags already.

"Okay Klaus see you then." he said before hanging up.

Caroline's POV

I cracked my eyes open to see a dusty old room. My vision was blurred so I wasn't seeing properly. I was laying on the floor. I tried to sit up only to find my hands tied with ropes drenched in Vervain. I groaned in pain as the Vervain touched my skin. I was feeling weaker than ever. I blinked a couple of times finally being able to see correctly. I was in some type of cave.

Maybe the ones under our school?

I was frantically searching for a way to escape. I saw a cave opening on one side then there was a second one on the other side. I got myself up into a sitting position then saw a knife laying on the floor across from me. I was scooting my was over to the knife when I finally noticed a man watching me.

"W-who are you? Why did y-you take me? What do you want?" I started panicking.

"Well I am a werewolf clearly. I have taken you to get revenge on Klaus. As you can tell he has taken a liking to you. I have been watching you both. If he doesn't offer himself to me, you will die." he said looking at me with an evil smile. 

"So your pretty much going to kill me?" I asked my voice cracking towards the end feeling tears come to my eyes.

"Oh don't cry, you won't die if Klaus comes." he said.

Then I realized something, if Klaus comes he won't be killed because he will kill this kidnapper. It was my only hope to hold onto.

"Now let's get you chained up so you can't escape." he walked over and yanked me roughly off the floor.

I yelped in pain. He united me then turned around to pick up the chains. Now's my chance I took off running out of one of the cave openings. I glanced back and he wasnt there so I kept running until I was shoved to the floor. I looked up to see the one and only Katherine.

"Well, well, well trying to escape I see." She looked at me with fury in her eyes.

"Leave me alone Katherine!"

"Oh is that any way to speak to someone who can easily kill you?"  She said holding a wooden stake in her hands.

I got up and started to run the opposite way of her only to be shot in the right leg with a wooden bullet. I fell to the floor but didn't give up. I stood again and ran a little faster this time. I saw the exit of the cave and when I got close to it I got shot three more times.

Once in the shoulder and twice in the legs. Finally I was down for good and couldn't keep going. I looked up to see Katherine above me. She aimed the stake at my heart then stabbed!

But she barely missed on purpose. She staked me in the rib cage. Which still hurt a lot. She grabbed my right arm and twisted it until you hear a. 'crack' sound. I cried out in pain letting some tears out. Then she kicked me a couple of times making me cough up blood.

"Oh we are gonna have a lot of fun together Caroline." Katherine said evily.

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