Chapter 12

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Klaus' POV

I was so worried last night. Where did Stefan and Caroline go? What are they doing together? Eww I don't even want to think that way. It's around 11:45 AM and they still aren't back. What if something happened to them? Ugh! I pull out my phone and call Stefan's number.

Just then loud thunder comes from outside and it starts pouring rain. Hard!

"Hello," Stefan says yawning.

"Hello mate. Are you guys heading home?" I asked curiously trying not to sound worried.

"Yeah it started raining so were heading home." He said.

'Hey Stef, let's run home. I'll meet you there.' I heard Caroline say.

"Okay! I gotta go Klaus see you at the house," Stefan said before hanging up.

Stefan's POV

I ran back to the house and got there in less than half and hour. I exspected to walk in and see Caroline already there but when I went inside she wasn't.

"Klaus! Where's Caroline?" I called out.

He was infront of me in an instant.

"She haven't came home Yet. I thought she was with you." He said looking angry.

"Okay calm down ill call her," I Said taking out my phone and dialing her number.

It rang twice before she answered.

"Hey Stef!"

"Hey Care, Where are you at?" I asked.

I could hear the water from the rain on the other line.

"Ummm, I'm almost home don't worry. Be there in like five maybe ten minutes," She said.

"Okay i'll see you here." I said before hanging up.

"See she's fine Klaus." I said shruggging and going to sit on the couch.

Caroline's POV

I just got off the phone with Stefan. I'm in the woods, but quite honestly I'm lost. I don't know where I'm at. So I just keep running and hoping i'll make it back.

At this point I'm completely soaked. My cloths are drenched and I'm freezing.

I've been walking for at least an hour now. I hope they aren't worried about me because I'm fine.

Ugh! Seriously I've passed that tree three times already! How do I keep going in a circle?

I keep walking in one direction until I finally see the mansion! Yay!

I'm freezing and can't feel my feet. Thank god I'm back! I walk in through the back door shaking rapidly.

Klaus' POV

It's been around forty-five minutes since Stefan got off the phone with Caroline. Where is she?!?

I can't take it anymore! I get up and grab my jacket about to head out the front door. I hear the backdoor open exspecting it to be Elijah or Kol.

"Caroline! Oh my gosh!" I hear Stefan shout.

I run over to the voices and see Stefan hugging a soaking wet Caroline. She is shaking like crazy and is drenched from the rain. She must be freezing! She didn't even look at me she just stared at the floor.

"Let's get you warmed up," Stefan says grabbing her hand and taking her upstairs.

I waited patiently downstairs on the couch. I started a cozy fire and set up some movies that we all can watch. I made sure to get blankets for Caroline to keep her warm.

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