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She had no faith in herself when she was compared to Sonozaki Noriko.

She was outsmarted - it was the easiest thing to say.

She was called beautiful.

But was she, when compared with Sonozaki?

She was called smart.

But did she have the same brains as Sonozaki?

She was called perfect.

But was she on the same level of perfection as Sonozaki?

Sure, they told you about believe in yourself and whatnot.

But she was having a hard time due to the fact that she couldn't even know Katsuhira as long as her.

They shared such a deep bond no one could break.

Even themselves.

They shared so much it hurt.

It hurt to know Sonozaki Noriko was better than her.

It hurt to know Agata Katsuhira, her lover, loved Sonozaki Noriko from the start.

It hurt to know Katsuhira and Sonozaki were destined to be together.

It also hurt to know her and Katsuhira were fated to be apart.

Her heart ached everyday, knowing no one was there for her.

No one to show her what she was to them.

No brothers or sisters, for she was born an only child.

No parents, for they were captured and murdered.

No grandmas or grandpas, for they were killed in a gang fight.

No aunties or uncles, for they lived all the way across the world.

No cousins, for they didn't even know of her existence.

But then she thought,

"What if I jumped?"

Of course, the adults would yell at her and lecture her about things in life and how everything was worth living for.

But Takashiro Chidori couldn't bear to wait that long.

There was only one thing on her mind since that very second...

To jump. To jump high into the sky, high into the clouds.

Then drop.

and drop...
and drop
and drop!

Nothing bad would happen, unless she was stuck in a sombre life like this again.

But the good thing was, she could jump again.

She would probably end up with a loving family like everyone else.

A lover who would love her back.

And most importantly...

something to live for.

So she went to have her wish come true.

To jump high, high up into the skies to fly.

Then drop...
and drop...
and drop!

She wore a pretty pair of converses, the one that resembled the sky.

A pitch black tee, mirroring her empty heart.

Once A Kiznaiver , Always a KiznaiverWhere stories live. Discover now