New || 新機能

554 16 3

What's this sound?

Is it beeping?

I try to sit up, but it takes some time and much more effort.

My head pounds furiously.

'Aurghh...' I groan.

'Good morning, Chidori!' A sickening syrup voice calls out.

Is this heaven? Oh god ... I'm screwed. If everyone is this weird then I would rather live my terrible life back on Earth.

'Where is this? ' I ask, half-awake.

'Darling, you're in Australia!'

I widen my eyes. This can't be true! I jumped, didn't I? I jumped from quite a tall place as well ... No. This definitely should not be happening.

I blink, and there I am, face to face with a bright and cheerful lady with blonde-brown curls and perfect white teeth. She is tall and seems to be in her mid-twenties. She kind of does look Australian.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" her face contorts into worry as I don't react to her words. "Darling? Hello? Chidori?" she queries worriedly.

"Huh? Sorry..." I want to sleep again. This is frustrating. I don't want to talk to anyone, I just want to sleep and think by myself.

Wait ... If this is Australia, then according to school, Australia's main language is English, which means this overly weird nurse is speaking English.

"Would you like cereal or toast?" The lady gives me a warm smile as she bends down to choose my choice of food.

'Um ... sorry ... cereal, please.' She hands me a vanilla white bowl and a small box of cereal and a cute miniature carton of milk.

I notice the bright white English printed on the side of the dark blue carton. As soon as I lay my eyes on the label, the words become extremely clear and I can make out every letter and pronounce each word fluently. My eyebrows furrow as I try to think of the possibilities. Have my English skills improved in my sleep? Perhaps, my English is better than I thought. I really wonder...

"Wh-what is your name?" I ask theAustralian (I think) nurse.

She smiles warmly and replies, the sun rays dancing on her face.

"My name is Jennifer Murries, sweetie," she smiles at me. Then, a shiny, silver metal name-tag reflects pure light onto the wall somewhere behind me. I don't bother to see where.
I nod at her answer and play with my wristband nervously. I try to avoid eye contact as much as possible, but no avail, she catches my crimson, hazel eyes and lays down her beige-coloured tray down onto a nice circle shaped table that reached around up to her knees.

I watch as she takes a few steps then sit on my bed. I feel it dip and now I'm sitting in another angle, this less comfortable than before. 

"Sweetheart, you're going to be released very soon! Are you excited?" she asks me before the silence got too much for both of us handle.

I wiggle further down under the blankets, no white, just beige here. Do they not bleach the sheets here? It would be much easier and more convenient for those clean the bedding.


"You're going to live with me for a while, honey," she states out the window, no longer facing me.

"What! How long?" this almost came out as a shout... I would have, but my throat is dry and my head starts to pound.

I bring the ceramic bowl closer to my mouth and open the cereal box, the only sound being the flakes piling up one another like brinks forming a house. I'm about to pour in the milk but Jennifer speaks again.

"Half a year..." she looks at the bowl as I pour the milk in, the cereal and milk swirl together and dance like women and men moving their bodies with music, swaying left and right, up and down and round and round.

She stands up and proceeds to leave the sun-filled room. It really is a nice place, just isn't my type.

"Sweetheart, don't frown, I'll be back at noon with a nice lunch and then I can stay longer. Just wait a little," she waves to me before pushing the worn-down plastic trolley to the door and what is perhaps a hallway outside.

I bury my face in the sheets after she leaves. As I lift the bed cover to save myself from asphyxiation, a beige ceiling appears before my eyes. Beige. Beige everywhere. I sigh and covered my head with my hands. Trapped in this beige prison for half a year...


It's been a week now, the same, tedious day repeating ceaselessly. Jennifer comes in, gives me food, talks and then walks out with that annoying plastic trolley.

"Rise and shine~" Jennifer sings out as she opens the heavy door with a cotton tote-bag. She's in a good mood today, she's not even wearing her uniform! Is it her day off or something? No, she wouldn't come to work at the disgustingly clean pla-

Jennifer comes close to my face and smiles, her pure-white teeth on full display, "We're going shopping today!" she yells excitedly. Does she know how loud she sometimes can be?

Jennifer stops and looks at me real close again, so close she might be trying to look at bacteria with the naked eye. Which, may I say, is very creepy. I feel so intimidated, as if I'm a child being cornered by the school bullies demanding money, speaking of that... I wonder how Katsuhira's doing.

No seriously... She's a little too close.

"A little too close!" I squeak out as she comes even closer looking me in the eye like she was looking like at her worst enemy

She looks at me in confusion before realising what was going on and stepped back so fast it seemed like she could dodge a bullet.

"I'm really sorry, It's just that I was all pumped for us to shopping for school supplies and clothes! I thought you would get excited too... I really guess I expected too much," she sighs a billion times trying to get me guilty? I can't tell, I can't read people as good as Honoka Maki...

"Well come on! Get out of that old bed and let's go shopping!"

I groan again, exactly the forty-fifth time this week.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2018 ⏰

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