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“Hey Ariel you got everything together”, I called out to her from upstairs in our bedroom.

She didn’t answer. I grabbed our son DJ and picked him up placing him in my left arm while I grab two suitcase bags with my right hand. We were getting ready to move back to Atlanta. As I walk down the stairs, I can hear the water running from the kitchen sink. I drop the bags down by the foot of the staircase and walk into the kitchen. I walk up to the kitchen sink and turn off the faucet. The sink had overflowed and water was dripping unto the floor.

“Ariel you got water spilling all over the place. Now I have to clean this shit up before we leave.”

She was nowhere to be found and still didn’t reply.

“Ariel….Ariel”, I said yelling out her name from inside the kitchen.

I walk into the living room and that is when I finally saw her. She had tears streaming down her face as he stood behind her with a knife to her throat. I froze.  I turned DJ’s head so he wouldn’t have to face what was going on. I didn’t know how I was going to get us out of this situation. I just stood there helplessly as my gaze went from her eyes to his.

“I told you before, once mine is always mine”, he said with a smirk on his face. “And I came to get her back, dead or alive.”

“Just let her go Carnell, it’s me you want. Just let them go and we’ll handle it.”

He thought about what I said. When he took the knife away from her neck and aimed it behind her back. I figure he was trying to see if I was going to keep up with my end of the bargain. I placed DJ down on the floor. I bent down and face him.

“Hey lil man I need you to go towards the front door and wait for mommy ok. Whatever you do, don’t look back.”

He nodded his head yes. He had tears forming in his eyes and I can tell he was ready to cry.

“It’s okay DJ you’re daddy’s big man, you’ll be alright.”

He slowly walked towards the front door. I looked at Carnell. He gave Ariel a push and she ran towards me and hugged me.

“Dustin what are you doing?”

“DJ needs you…just go.”

“I can’t leave you.”

“Isn’t this shit sweet”, Carnell said.

I looked at Ariel and grabbed her by the top of her shoulders.

“I’m not asking you…I’m telling you. Take DJ and get away from here as fast as you can.”

She grabs my face and kisses me softly. I watch her as she picked DJ up and walk out the door. My gaze then went to the living room window as I see the headlights shine through. I watch until the lights disappear. I tried to savor every moment of them leaving, in case it was my last time seeing them again. I turn towards Carnell who was now wearing an eerie grin on his face. I swallowed hard not knowing what will become of me, of us. He stared intensely into my eyes before he spoke again.

“Now where were we?”

Chapter 1 coming soon!!!! As always comment and vote, and tell a friend to read!!!!

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