Chapter 4

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Ariel’s view

I woke up early in the morning carefully not to wake Dustin. He and Chris were drinking late with the fellas last night and I knew he would be sleeping in late. DJ was down the hall in Momma A’s room, he wanted to sleep with his grandmother. The thought placed a smile on my face. I quickly gotten dressed and rushed downstairs to the kitchen. Once I grab the keys off the key rack by the door, it was then that I saw Monica sitting down at the kitchen table.

“Where are you going so early”, she asked.

“Oh I just wanted to stop by the cemetery to visit my parents and my brother”, I replied playing with the rental car keys in my hand.

I felt a little bit uneasy because I wasn’t being honest. It wasn’t a complete lie. I did plan on visiting them, it just wasn’t my first stop. I had other things on my mind.

“Would you mind if I join you? I know the guys are going to be sleep for a while.”

“Sure”, I replied. 

I walked slowly out the door as Monica followed. I was quiet on the car ride to the cemetery. Not like I’m not cool with Monica. I actually like her a lot. Her work schedule is always hectic so we really don’t get to spend much time together to hang out. I just didn’t want her to know exactly what my plans were. I didn’t want her to carelessly chat about it to Chris and somehow make its way back to Dustin, the main reason why I tried to sneak out this morning. I can tell she sense my nervousness, she kept glancing at me.

“Is everything ok Ariel?”

“Yea’ I’m fine.”

We made our way to the cemetery and I stopped to see my parents first then made my way to visit Brice’s grave. I still can’t believe he is gone. I just wished he had a chance to see his nephew first. But I know he is looking down over us, protecting us. After about 30 minutes we get back inside the car. As I pull out of the parking lot, I begin to speak.

“I just have one more stop to make before we go back to the house.”

Monica didn’t respond she just nodded as she played with her phone. We drove up to the hospital and I begin to park.

“Will it be ok if you just went in there by yourself? I really don’t like hospitals, they creep me out." 

At first I thought she was playing but the look on her face told it all.

“Yea’ that’s cool, I’ll keep the car on.”

I was glad she didn’t want to tag along. As I entered the building I got into the elevator and pressed the button leading to the fifth floor. Once I walked out, I made a right and was right outside of room 514. I took a deep breath before I entered the room. I didn’t know what scared me the most, the fact that I was here or the image I was about to see. When I entered the room I saw an empty bed. I was confused. A doctor just happened to walk by and saw me inside.

“Can I help you”, she asked. 

“Um yes I was looking for Carnell Hunnicutt. I was told he was in this room.”

Even after we left Atlanta, I secretly kept track of Carnell. I wanted to know how he was doing. I knew that if Dustin found out he would have gotten very upset.

“I haven’t seen anyone here to visit him in quite a while. I’m sorry to inform you but he’s gone. We pulled the plug two weeks ago. We just couldn’t keep him on life support any longer.”

I instantly felt sick. Even with everything that happened, I still had feelings for Carnell. I guess I really came for closure. I just couldn’t believe he would try to kill me like that. Like I never meant anything to him at all.

“Do I know you”, she asked. “You look sort of familiar.”

“Um no…thanks.” 

I rushed out the room brushing past her in the process. I didn’t want to stick around longer so she could remember who I was or how I was connected to Carnell. I didn’t need anyone to know that I was back in town yet alone that I came to visit Carnell. I fixed my face as I was inside the elevator and walked back to the car.

“That was fast”, Monica said fixing her hair in the mirror.


We rode back to the house in silence. As much as I tried, I couldn’t shake the feeling that Carnell was really gone. My first love…gone. I mean we had our problems and he wasn’t the nicest during the last stage of our relationship, but I still loved him. I couldn’t help but think of all the good times we shared. How it was in the beginning, how we were so much in love. When we got back to the house, Momma A was cooking and the guys were in the kitchen talking.

“Hey where you guys been”, Chris asked.

“Out bonding”, Monica replied as she walked up to him and kissed him.

“What’s wrong”, Dustin asked gently grabbing my face.

I couldn’t answer him. My emotions were all over the place. He tried to pull me into a hug and I pulled away from him storming out of the kitchen. At that point I was upset with Dustin. He’s the reason why I almost died, why Carnell is dead. Why I had to pack up and leave the city I grew up in to feel so alone and depressed. To be far away from the people I love. He just came into my life and turned it upside down. I wish I never met him at all.

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