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Again. I wake up every morning at 7:05 and spend 10 more minuets just, thinking. But today was different, I slept in. I slowly lift my eyes, I grab my phone to see what the time is but I wanted just to enjoy the moment. I look at my phone it's 11:28. I finally get the gut to get off bed, my friend Matt was on a trip to find Tord. He loves that guy so much he would do anything for him, even if he blew up our house and punched his face. Matt simply just adored Tord even if he may not love him back. So it's just me and Tom one of my closest friends in High School I had a crush and some of that is still in me but, in High School I had it bad for Tom like in the same way Matt loves Tord but a little bit bigger. Just thinking about the fantasies and wet dreams I had of him was making me get a little horny, But I stop thinking about that and walk to the kitchen. Speak of the devil it's Tom with ... no shirt on and black shorts, a pink glow is on my face. Witch gives me more reason to go full High School mode on him or I just need to go to sweater town that always makes me feel better.

" Here Edd, I know I'm the best cook but it's grilled cheese sandwich with Cola on the side." Wow Tom thanks are you trying to make me love you even more. Why does he do this to me. He hands me the plate to me. "T-T-T-Thank you T-T-T-Tom." I studded " I'm gonna go, like now IN MY ROOM BYE!" I run to my room, his name is my head like on a song on replay for hours. I place my food on my desk and fall into my bed the name TOM still in my head until I start saying it out loud I imagine him inside of me, touching me, kissing me, making love to me. My heart and body were saying 'I love you tom love me' I imagine him with no close on, him feeling every single nerve on my body. It feels so good, I want more so I masturbate. I just imagine his hands were rubbing my cock. " Tom~" I moan and I go faster. "Tom~" Faster. "Tom~" faster and now harder. "TOM~" And with that last moan I cum. I lay on the bed having a quick cat nap. But I didn't, I couldn't help myself all I can think about is Tom. I just desired more of Tom so, I eat the food that he made for me and it was really good, in fact I wanted more but that would make me have to Talk to Him and that is not going to happen so I grab my stack book and draw a quick comic.

That's it I can't take it any more, I walk outside just to get some fresh air. I try to finish my Coca Cola but I needed something stronger. So I take the risk of going inside and walk to the kitchen, I grab a can of Cola and a bottle of rum and mix them together. I put the mixture in a glass cup and drink all of it in one gulp. I leave it on the kitchen counter and grabbed another can of Cola on my way out of the kitchen. I walk to my room to see Tom in front of my door with his sexy blue hoodie on, I slowly blush again just of the site of him. I face my head down so he doesn't see my blush.

"Edd are you ok?" Tom asks with his beautiful voice. I start to studder something out.

" H-H-hey..."

pills to drinks  | TomEddTordWhere stories live. Discover now