Beginning of a friendship

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I was in a forest near town, I was on mission to find a boy by the name of Rene. I then would get him and bring him back to our base to get information from him about time travel, but I have to go by foot in order to disguise my self as a normal teenage girl.
Once we do that im going to live out in the woods alone. I've never really had any friends because Im a secret agent, and because I was a princess all my friends are fake. The only friends I've ever had was me, myslef, and I. (I will song refference this later) As i looked at my soon to be food, I heard a sound coming from the brush and got out my knife ready to attack or be attacked, when out came a blackish gray wolf with hazel eyes. It seemed frightened, and growled at the sight of my knife. I soon droped it in order to say 'Im not a threat as long as you aren't a threat' just as if it read my mind it nodded in agreement. I took out some meat from my food and put it on a separate plate for.......him and he ate it like there was no tomorrow. So I gave him the rest of mine because I wasn't that hungry, he then looked at me and whimpered as if saying ' I can't ,this is your food' I just looked at him
"Just eat it Im not hungry, and it looks like you are starved." He then began eating and then layed down to sleep. It was getting dark might as well sleep. I went to my tent and sleep with my knife just in case.

                                                ~ The next day ~

I awoke when I heard a growl once I looked outside he pounced on a rabbit.
Goodness how lucky that wasn't me.
As if read my mind he looked at me and stuck his tongue out. I went up to him a little frightened and tried to pet him. I never really had an animal friend before. He let me pet him and then started liking my hand I smiled. Just then I saw a glowing light, the wolf was gone. I was in shock where did he go. I felt a hand on my shoulder I quickly started twisting the persons arm when I heard a whimper and suddenly thought of the wolf I look at the person who had just put there hand on me and saw he had blackish hair and hazel eyes as the wolf had. He smiled at me as stared blankly at him wondering if I should speak.

"Um are you okay lady?" it wasn't a high pich he had a low voice.

"Huh who are you?"

"Names Wolf uh I met you yesterday,except I was a wolf."

"No dur sherlock I knew that!" He seemed surprised of my action and backed away.

"Sorry I'm just not used to this names Courtney only my friends call me court." (I didn't have any friends) So I took my hand my hand out and he just looked at it. I grinned 

"Shake!" I said as if commanding a dog I think,and he actually listened.

"Is wolf your real name or do you just use it?"

"Um I've never had a name and people call me a wolf so I thought hey maybe my name is wolf,"

"Would you like me to make you a name?" I asked him because everyone or thing should have a name in my opinion. He then nodded.

"Hmmm how about Zack?" He smiled I guess he liked it.

"Okay then I guess we can be friends now I don't know how it works."

"Me nither." With that I guess i got my very first friend. I started cooking some more meat because why not.

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