Teenage Love

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Teenage love so pure and strong

Finds a way to belong

The boy a loner to be hated

The girl a dance to be wanted

The boy silently watching

As she flows to the music

But the boy was not the only to see

There in the light stood another.

Teenage love so pure and strong

Finds a way to belong

The girl unknown to all but her

Loved the little loner boy

One night in May, The girl confessed

The boy rejoiced but unknown

A jealous other ploted revenge.

Teenage love so pure and strong

Finds a way to belong

The girl and boy stood at the dance

They both decided to take a chance

The revenge in plan all await

But when it came the plan a flamed

The girl unharmed the boy survived

The revenger unmoving the police amazed

There at the dance

A bomb had blown

The young lovers bond stronger

Finding bliss in the others arms.

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