Broken Hearted Little Girl

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Broken Hearted Little Girl
smiles faintly to appease
Tear welling in her eyes
as she see her hopes die
Her mother left her to a drunk
her father beats her to a pulp
Her brother left to find a life
away from where his mothers ended.
Broken Hearted Little Girl
smiles faintly to appease
Her hopes and dreams burned to needs
yet she's trapped to her father's deeds
Little girl falls to her knees
as her father yells and screams
A life of love and of hope
falls apart as she bleeds.
Broken Hearted Little Girl
smiles faintly to appease
As her blood soaks the ground
she smiled faintly to her soul
There above her stood her mother
arms awaiting her child's love
While the child's body lay still and sad
the little girl finds her place
In her mothers loving arms
broken hearted little girl smiles faintly
finding happiness in these arms.

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