What is fictosexuality?

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Before you jump into this, you'll need to know what fictosexuality, or fictophilia, is. No, you wont find it in a dictionary, or in an encyclopedia, and very rarely will you see it on the internet. 

So, what is fictosexuality? Fictosexuality is when a person such as you or I has strong emotional and romantic feelings towards a fictional character. Some say it is simply infatuation, however this is not the case.  

I write this book in hopes that I can raise awareness to fictosexuality, and educate people on what it is. I hope that as people read, they learn that fictosexuals are people too, just like heterosexuals, homosexuals, pansexuals, asexuals, transgenders, bisexuals, and every other gender or sexuality on the planet.

so please, go into this with an open mind as I'm sure many of you have never heard this word before.

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