Decorating the Nursery

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"We didn't buy a rocking chair!" I said frustrated by the fact I had forgotten something.

"Chill out we can get it another time," Daniel said.

"No I won't chill out!" I snapped.

"Emily come here," he said grabbing my hands. "Why don't you go to bed?"

"Because I want to help with the nursery," I whined.

"I'm just painting it! I'm putting on two coats and then Charlotte is coming tomorrow morning to paint the tree," he said.

"But I want to help," I whined again.

"You are exhausted," he said pushing his hand onto my forehead. "And I don't want you getting sick again."

"Alright I'm going," I said nestling into his chest.

"I've got this under control I promise," he said kissing my forehead.

"I trust you," I said walking out and into the master bedroom.



I woke up and when I rolled over I was surprised to not see Daniel lying next to me. Then I looked over at the clock. 11:47. It was nearly midday. I pushed the covers off my body and walked across the hallway and into the nursery. Charlotte had painted the tree and it looked amazing. She was just finishing the very base of the trunk.

"It looks amazing Charlotte," I said causing her to look up.

"Thank you," she said smiling. "It's nearly finished.

"I love it," I said.

"How did you sleep?" She asked.

"Great actually, I'm just so tired," I said rubbing my hand over my stomach. "How are you going?"

"I am enjoying pregnancy so much. I'm not tired or sick. I am doing a great deal better than you," she said giving me a small smile.

"You're lucky. Daniel and I will get through this though," I said.

"I know you will Em," she said turning back to her painting.

Once she has finished and the paint had dried Daniel and I started decorations the nursery.

"I want the shelves here," I said standing in the corner.

Daniel cut open the box and started assembling the shelves.

"How can I help?" I asked him.

"Once I've finished you can start putting the toys and clothes away," he said looking at me.

"And what do you expect me to do while you are building them?"

"You could make me some lunch," he said smiling.

"Whatever," I said walking out of the room.



About 5 minutes later I had finished setting up the shelves and Emily walked back in with a sandwhich.

"Thank you," I said taking the plate from her.

"Can I start now?" She asked.

I nodded my head and she left the room; returning a few minutes later with a handful of shopping bags.

"What are these?" I asked.

"Baby things," she said smiling.

"I didn't think we bought that much stuff," I said.

"We did, and I know our baby will love it," she said.

She started putting clothes in drawers and toys on shelves.

"Did you need any help?" I asked.

"Just set up the cot," she said.

I bent down on the floor and cut open the box. I stood the frame against the wall and began assembling the pieces to create the tiny bed.

"Happy?" I asked standing back once I was done.

"I love it!" Emily exclaimed. "Now for the change table and the basinet."

"Argh!" I said.

"Then the car seat," she said smiling. "Do you mind if I take a nap?"

"Go for it baby," I said kissing her forehead.




I opened my eyes and saw the bassinet sitting by the side of the bed. I stood slowly and ran my hands over the wood. Daniel had even out the tiny bed sheets on it. The baby kicked as if it was satisfied with its bed and I smiled. I walked across the hall and into the nursery and I gasped. It was beautiful, so difficult to describe (that's why I with I could add a picture to the chapter because I know exactly what I want it to look like). The walls were such a soft grey and the tree looked amazing. Everything was set out the way I asked and there was even a rocking chair. I sat down and rocked back and forward in it imagining feeding my baby in it.

"You like it?" Daniel asked appearing at the door.

"You got one," I said standing up and hugging him.

"Anything for baby Grayson and her mummy," he said smiling.

"Hey, it could be a boy," I said laughing.

"Good point."

"Did you do the car seat aswell?" I asked.

"Already done," he said smiling.

"I love you Daniel," I said kissing him.

"I love you to," he replied.

A/N: so another chapter done! Yay! I promise I'll update again tomorrow and I have some really good ideas, even I'm excited to write them! Please vote and comment! Hope your enjoying the read and if you haven't already write a fan fiction of your own. Make sure you tell me about because I'll defiantly want to read! Also has anyone seen 3x10 exodus! I won't say anything incase you haven't (wouldn't want to spoil it!) but I can't deal with the fact 'he' shot her. Argh!!!!!!!! So frustrating!!!!

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