A Kiss

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My lips pushed hard against hers and we kissed passionately again. She moved her lips and began kissing my neck before moving up to my ear lob. I sucked the skin on her neck and she giggled with delight. Her light brown hair fell across my face and I smelt the strawberry scent of the shampoo. She was honestly beautiful. I picked her up and carried her into the bedroom and I undid the back of her top while she unbuttoned my jeans. I pushed her down into the bed and our lips locked together again. She was so amazing and I loved her with my entire heart.


I woke up in a sweat and looked around. Emily was still sleeping next to me and the baby was quite. I didn't want to admit it but I had to. I still had feelings for Sara. Maybe I even loved her more than Emily. I knew my heart was trying to tell me something. Especially if I was dreaming about........well........exactly what I did just dreamt about.

But this was so messed up! I was getting married in two days. I shouldn't be having a dream about having sex with another girl. That was wrong. But I knew my heart was saying something. I love Emily but ever since the baby we have been so distant and I keep wondering if marrying her is what I really want. Dreams always have a meaning behind them but I kept telling myself that Emily was the one for me. But I couldn't deny it any longer. I was still in love with sara.



Daniel was at the market searching for a dummy for Thomas. He was looking through stalls until he spotted a familiar face.

"Sara," he said walking up to her.

"Danny," she said smiling.

Although neither of them would admit it, deep down they shared that connection and felt something together. There love was infinite for each other because they had never actually fallen out of love, the car crash was what had separated them.

"I can't get you out of my head," Daniel said grabbing her hand.

"What?!" She asked surprised.

"I still love you," he said looking into her deep dark eyes.

"Daniel!" She yelled slapping his hand away. "You are getting married in two days!"

"You honestly can't tell me you still love my too?" He asked her.

"Daniel I will always love you but that is beside the point!" She yelled.

"Then why?! Why should I marry Emily if we are in love?" He asked.

"Because you have a child! You have built a family with her. You can't just decide you don't love her anymore!" She yelled.

"I can't get you out of my head," he repeated.

"Well you need to! We both do," she said.

She turned around to walk back to the car.

"Sara!" He yelled grabbing her hands.

The next part happened to quickly. He spun her around and their eyes locked. They moved closer together until their lips were pressing against each other's and they kissed passionately until Sara pulled away.

"This was a mistake," she said pulling away. "You home to your family Daniel."

She got into the car and drove away and it hit Daniel about what he had just done. He had kissed another women. 2 days before his own wedding. He had cheated on his fiancée, the mother of his child. What kind of a person was he? Then it came into his mind. He was a rotten, cheating barstard, just like his father. He had always said he never wanted to be like his dad, but in this moment he realized he had become exactly like him. His head began to hurt and his chest ached until his body finally gave way and he fell to the ground.



There was a note on the bench from Daniel saying he was at the farmers market when Emily walked down the stairs. She walked into the kitchen with Thomas upright on her chest. She had finally gotten him to go back to sleep and the house was silent. The next moment the loud rings of the landline telephone filled the house and the baby began to cry again.

"Sh, sh, sh," she said bouncing him up and down as she walked over to the phone.

"Hello," she said picking it up.

"Hi this is Rebecca from suffix memorial hospital, could I please speak with Miss Thorne," she asked.

Thomas screamed louder in her arms and she looked down at him.

"Yes I'm Miss Thorne. Could I please call you back, right now isn't a very convenient time," she said.

"I'm afraid not Miss Thorne this call is urgent," she said.

"Sh baby," she said positioning Thomas in her arms so she could rock him.

"It's about your fiancée Mr Grayson," she said.

"Mhm, what about him?" Emily asked not really paying attention to her; more to the screaming baby in her arms.

"He has been admitted with a heart problem," Rebecca said slowly.

"What?!" Emily screamed nearly dropping the phone.

"Miss Thorne, it is best if doctors talk to you here so if you wouldn't mind we need you at the hospital," she said.

Emilys heart rate had already picked up. A heart problem? Heart problems are genetic aren't they? Does that mean Thomas might have it to? She looked down at Thomas still crying in her arms.

"Miss Thorne? Are you still there?" She asked.

"A....I.....um.......I......am.......ah......on.......my........um......way," she stuttered through the phone.

She slammed the phone down quickly and ran straight out for the car where she put Thomas in his car seat and speed away swiftly to the hospital.

--------------------AT THE HOSPITAL---------------

She pulled up right out the front of the hospital doors and went straight for the backseat to get the baby. She locked the car and ran straight to the reception desk.

"Where's my fiancée?" She asked panicked.

"Are you Miss Thorne?" She asked her.

Emily nodded and the nurse stood up and led her to a small hospital room.

"Daniel!" She yelled bursting through the door.

He was awake as pushed up against the pillows. She embraced him in a hug but guilt was radiating from his face.

"What happened?" She asked cupping his cheek in her hand.

"Your fiancée had an areuthmia Miss Thorne," the doctor explained.

"What's that?" She asked him.

"It's an irregular heartbeat and it is genetic," he said looking down at Thomas in her arms.

"Are you saying he could have it aswell?" She asked.

He nodded and tears escaped her eyes and fell down her cheeks. Daniel moved his hand and wiped her tears as he turned to the doctor.

"What does that mean for Daniel?" Emily asked.

"Sometimes not enough oxygen gets to the brain because of it. That's what happened today," he explained.

Emily looked over at her fiancée and realized he was thinking deeply about something.

"Daniel are you ok?" She asked him.

He just shook his head.

"We can get through this together," she said grabbing his hand.

"It's not about this Emily," he said moving his hand out if hers.

"Then what is it about?" She questioned.

"I have a confession to make," he said looking into her eyes. "I kissed Sara."

A/N: I hate having to think dirty but I had to do something dramatic enough that Daniel would kiss her in the chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment!

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