Phil misses Dan *fluff and PRE SMUT?* (anon tumblr request)

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Ok. I've been waiting so long for this too be answered so, could you do a fic where Dan goes away to his parents and Phil gets really horny for a week. But when Dan comes home he's all cute and fluffy but then it gradually gets more smutty and dirty. Thanks ILY <3

Well, I will finally answer your request, hopfully it meets expectations! thank you for submitting!! (I didn't know it you wanted a full smut scene or not so i did a shitty one anyway so enjoy)

- Dan had only been gone a few hours, probably still on the train to his parents. Phil was originally looking forward to having a week to himself, being able to sing louder in the shower without worry about who will hear it, be able to have a messy room without Dan telling him to clean it, but only now has Phil realized with Dan away, they won't be able to have sex for a whole week.

- Dan and Phil usually did the do three or four times a week, depending on what's happening in their lives at the time. But that doesn't include regular blow and hand jobs.

- Throughout the week Phil found himself getting hard at random times without a reason, and of course with luck he got off, but nine times out of ten he couldn't get himself to his climax, having to just deal with the comfort until his erection went away.

- Phil seems to forget that whenever one of them leaves, he can't climax. He makes this mistake every time they have time apart. He found himself counting down the days until Dan got home, circling the day he's to get home on the calendar.

- When it came to the day when Dan would finally return, jiggling his house key in the door, Phil heard it from his bedroom, getting up and sprinting down the stairs to see his boyfriend in the doorway.

- Phil pounced on Dan pulling him into a hug before Dan could even day hello. Dan giggled and wrapped his arms around Phil tightly, sitting his head on Phil's shoulder.

- After a solid minute of hugging and whispering hellos to each other over and over again, they pulled away and imminently connecting their lips in a sweet kiss. When they kissed they left the universe and entered their own.

- A moment later, Phil was taking Dan's bag back up stairs as Dan locked the door behind him and followed Phil up to the bedroom. Phil had tidied the room and set Dan's bags the corner.

- Dan had taken a seat on the couch in the lounge, shuffling into the comfy spot in his sofa crease, looking up to Phil with big eyes as he entered the room. Phil sat down next to him and leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

- "I've missed you" Dan whispered, falling into Phil's lap and curling up with his head on Phil's leg. Phil could have sworn Dan's head had been on his lap no longer than 10 seconds and he was already asleep.

- Phil watched him, noticing his little breaths, his fringe curly and messy, almost a little blush on his cheeks. Phil was so utterly in love with Dan, he let his hand play with Dan's hair and twirled it in his fingers, humming calmly.

- It was only 17:00, it wasn't late, Dan must be so exhausted. Phil decided not to wake Dan and let him have his nap and picked up the remote off the coffee table and clicked the on button, flicking through the channels until he found something interesting.

- Around an hour later, Phil's eyes glued to the TV, Dan shifted a little, waking up. Phil looked down to his boyfriend and smiled once again, happy to have him in his presence. Phil started to play with Dan's hair again. Dan hummed under Phil's touch and mumbled 'I love you' to Phil with the cutest of sleepy grins, looking up at Phil with sleepy eyes.

- Phil lent down and kissed Dan's forehead which resulted in Dan giggling like a school girl. Dan was so adorable when he was sleepy, Phil thought. Dan shifted again and sat up with a groan.

- "I'm going to bed, care to join me?" Dan said with a croaky voice, standing up off the sofa and stretching out his hand for Phil, who took it, and let Dan take him into the bedroom. Once in the bed they spooned, Phil falling asleep rather quickly with his nose touching the back of Dan's neck and his arm wrapped around Dan's middle.

- Phil awoke to Dan grinding his ass into Phil crotch moaning lightly. Phil couldn't tell if Dan was awake or not but Phil knew for sure he was getting harder and harder by the second, he found himself grinding back into Dan, his hands moving to Dan's hips.

- Both of them were little out light puffs of pleasure and desire. Dan huffed and moved to lay on his back and Phil imminently gets on top of Dan and grinds down onto him, both of them letting out a string of cuss words.

im stopping it there because its late but if anyone wants me to continue it or something send me an ask and i might one day (: thanks for the ask and be sure if you have any ideas for fics, im always happy to write them for you, just give me some time because it takes ages for me to write one peice so yeah thanks anyway

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