~☆Secret Information☆~

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Why were you enjoying this?

"Come here, princess"

Before you could retort to the red and white haired bastard, you were being pulled into an embrace. You were hugged close to the male, and your eyes grew big due to the shock. He picked you up bridal-style and began to carry you into the elevator. This was uncomfortable. You whined, as if to try and beg him into letting you go. That wouldn't be happening any time soon. Instead, he gently threw you up in the air, very slightly, and caught you again, readjusting your position in his arms.

Well, for a kidnapping, this wasn't all too bad. You supposed that you had never been in a kidnapping before, though, so you wouldn't really know. Whatever, this was okay.

He whistled as both of you waited for the elevator to reach the bottom floor and let you off.

He glanced down at you, realizing that you were surprisingly calm about this.

"Don't you have questions?" He would question, cocking his head to the left. It was almost unbearable how cute and handsome the man was. Was he an angel? Were you being taken to heaven by him?

"..." He paused and waited for you to sputter something out at him, with cowardess. Instead, you also stayed silent.

"If you're just gonna stay silent, you might as well go to sleep..."

Something punctured the back of your left shoulder. It was cold and steely, and you could feel an icy liquid being injected into your bloodstream. Right before you closed your eyes and let the darkness overcome you, he placed a finger over your l lips and hushed you. "Shh..."

You woke up in a new enviroment. This was disgusting. It was a dark room, lit only by the blue-green monitors. There was a faint smell of tobacco in the air, or something that was similar to it. There was a tap, click, tap coming from something near the cluster of screens. Oh, the Unknown fellow was still here.

Your body ached. You couldn't feel most of your limbs, let alone move them. You tried to get up, failing and flopping back down onto the warm pile of blankets and pillows you were resting on. A makeshift bed?

"Oh, you're awake..." He uttered from his rolling office chair. He took a second to pick you up once again and reposition you to sit in his lap at his desk. He was shockingly cold, with no traces of warmth in his body. What if I've been kidnapped by a robot? You thought, chuckling to yourself. Thing is, it didn't seem to be far off, what with the monitors and all.

He was clearly not going to let you go any time soon.

"What will I be... assisting... with?" You sputter, questioning his motives for taking you here.

"Mmm..." He hummed, not giving any clear answer. "Bitch" you wanted to spit. You've tried being civil with him, what about forcing the answers out of him? Although, you were the hostage in this situation.

"If you want to assist me now..." He started, still not looking away from the unhealthy light of the computer screens. "Sit right here and don't move."

Great, so, he hasn't answered much, you're really sick of this, and he's still being a creep. Wonderful.

What would've come of you if you hadn't lied to him? Would he just leave you alone? What mission was 'failed?'

Why did you have so many goddamn questions?

Still though, part of you was calm; at peace. The room's scent mixed with the cold enviroment; it was somewhat relaxing. Not to mention that you were in the lap of a seemingly cute boy. The only uncomfortable thing about this was that you weren't exactly planning on being here. Quite the contrary, actually.

"Wait a minute... What was it that you injected me with?" You manage to choke out, trying to fund out some information on your capture.

"That's a secret, dear~"

Blech. Everything this dude said was cheesy and creepy.

Your stomach growled. You just now realized how hungry you were. Actually, you were really hungry.

"Where's the kitchen?"

No answer.

"Heyyy- Mr. Edgy Unknown Computer Boy... Where. Is. The. Kitchen?"



"Give me a second. It's almost dinner."

Oh, good. Just what you wanted, another cryptic and unnecessary answer. It's like it was your birthday or something.

"How long have I been out?"

"Let's see... About 18 hours?"

Wow. You were shocked. Did he just manage to tell you something that wasn't entirely confusing?

"18 hours!?"

"Maybe more."

"That's the most sleep I've gotten in years!"

You weren't lying. That really was the most sleep you've had in years. Previously, you were an extordinarily light sleeper, being woken up by everything from a cat's purring to a slight creak from outside.

But 18 hours is too much sleep, right? Isn't that unhealthy?

You shook your head. This was all too unreal. Within a couple more clicks, the male rose up from his desk, completely forgetting that you were in his lap. You rolled off his lap and onto the floor.

"Get up..." He smirked

Douche. He was enjoying this. You supposed you were around just to give him sadistic pleasure, or something along those lines.

You stuck your tounge out at him, childishly. Rising to your aching feet, he lead you to another room in the building or facility you were in. Instead of being creepy and dark, this room was bright and lit with actual sunlight. Very little of it, but it was there. This also confirmed that this place was not, in fact, underground or something.

Cabinets lined the left wall, while there was a pantry and a refrigerator on the right. There was also a small table, with as pretty vase in the center, and some chairs. You sat down.

"Don't you want to eat?"


"Then come make yourself something..."

Jackass... This was gonna be a long day...

<<Author's Note: Exactly 1,000 words wowowowow. This is exciting.>>

~☆Artificial Intellegence☆~ Searan &quot;Unknown&quot; Choi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now