[twenty-five; the one with the creepy briar]

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Briar sighed and blew a strand of hair out of her face. She wanted this. She wanted to be a normal girl, so why did she hate it? Maybe it was because Derek and her were fighting. It was all his fault though so she really shouldn't feel bad. But she did.

She ran her fingers through her fingers before sighing. Liam and Mason were late. She barely knew her way around the school yet since it was only her second day. She decided that she was just going to find her own way and walked into the school only to find it empty. She paused. Was school canceled for today?

She slowly made her way down the hallway to find people in their respective classrooms frozen. What the hell was going on? Her heart started to thump wildly as she heard growls and snarls coming from another hallway. The doors at the end of the hallway flew open as Scott and Derek were flying backwards. Her heart leaped to her throat when she saw they were able to move. What was going on?

Derek was the first one to notice that the creatures attention was on someone else. He turned around and his heart dropped when he saw the fear on her face. She just saw him in his werewolf form. "Briar?" he asked as the creatures attacked her. She screamed as the wolfs got up, but paused when the shadow creatures flew backwards hitting the wall. They looked back at Briar who was huffing and puffing. Her nails were long and black. Her nose was scrunched up and her once blue eyes were now a demonic black, just like the shadows. Her teeth were long and pointy just like the wolves.

She hissed making the shadows disappear before trying to attack Derek. "What the hell?" he asked trying to fend her off and not hurt her.

"It must be feeding off the anger that she feels from you for hurting her," Scott realized as Stiles burst through the door pausing when he saw Briar. "Stiles the bat!" Scott yelled making the boy run over and hit her over the head. She slumped against Derek.

"We need to get her out of here. I know the perfect place," Derek said picking her up and telling the boys to have everyone meet at his old house. Once him and Briar left everyone unfroze like nothing ever happened. The pack gathered around his laptop where they were watching Briar go crazy.

Allison sighed and pulled out her phone. "I am going to call my father. See if he can come down or if he knows anything," She stated before leaving the room. Derek looked back to the camera where Briar was staring at it intently. She knew that they were there. She left out a very animalistic roar before throwing something at the camera, but it didn't even make a dent.

"Akuma." Chris's voice scared everyone as he walked into the room. "I got here as fast as I could when Allison explained it to me. From what I can gather Briar is an Akuma. Well, Akuma no ko is a better term for her right," he explained as a lightbulb clicked on in Kira.

"Demon child," she breathed out making everyone suck in a breath. "My mother used to tell me stories about them when I was little. They aren't born, they are created through hate and mistreatment. Briar's parents, keeping her from the outside. I was only to strengthen the power that they were putting in her. Once she got a taste of the outside they knew that she would use that power against them if they didn't give her what she wanted," Kira realized earning a nod from the hunter.

He looked around the room at the faces of this young girls friends. "That is all correct, it seems that the power got the best of Briar. We need to find a way to bring this girl back and fast before it consumes her completely," he told the pack crossing his arms.

Malia looked around. "What about love? It is a pretty powerful thing," she reminded everyone.

"The person who goes in there has to love her and she has to love him." With Chris's words, everyone turned to Derek (even Peter who was lurking on the stairwell) making the ex-alpha look at them in confusion.


a/n: check out my teenfiction book 'slimy hands'

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