Chapter 4

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{ channel :  Scarlett's BFF }

His eyes flick open and before I can react he grabs my wrist and pulls me down .
I let out a loud thud and I go crashing down on him .

Well , well , well . look what we have here  he says

His  hot breath fanning my face , I pull away from the uncomfortable position.
He lets out a deep chuckle and stands up dusting the imaginary dust off his clothes.

So I've decided not to post the video . he say nonchalantly . you see ,  he explain as her circles around  around me ,as if he were the lion and i was his prey. As I was about to hit the upload button a wave of holyness washed over me .

Naaaaah just kidding . I decided to put it to better use by using it to blackmail you whenever I want. He let out and evil laugh like they do in the movies while rubbing his knuckles.

All I could do is look in horror. I just stand there like frozen turkey. A hot frozen turkey might I add. I hadn't even  realized Adrian left the room until I hear the door shut loudly.

I walk towards my room deep in thoughts until I hear my tummy grumble .

I can deal with him later right now food calls 

I run down the stairs to the kitchen and look for anything edible.

The only thing in the kitchen that I didn't have to cook was a bag of lays at the top shelf.

Well the fact remains if I try to cook I might burn down the house soooo not gonna happen.

I reach over trying to get the bag of potato chips, my hieght is not that bad i'm preety average.

So I get on my tippy toes trying to reach it but I'm not even close so I get on the counter trying to get it but I lose my balance.

And go crashing down on my butt . But before I can hit the ground like in any cliche book or movie the supposed badboy catches me.

I'm preety sure if he didn't catch me I would have probably hit my head and have brain trauma of worse I would have gone into coma. This ladies and gentlemen Is my crazy overactive brain talking.

But being the awesome person I am. I yell at him hitting him to put me down. And being the total jerkdwab he is, her drops me on my butt.

I rub my sexy booty .
Yeah I'm sexy and I know it, deal with it bitches.
We're was I again,

oh yeah I rub my sexy booty and let out a growl standing up.

He reaches above my head with his arm. Unconsciously pressing me like grilled meat in between burger buns but only in this situation  the buns were replaced by Adrian and the counter.

Is it me or did that just sound dirty.

He takes down the bag of chips, I smile at least the badboy has a soft side to him. I thank him before stretching my hands out to collect it.

He laughs, and realisation dawns on me when he opens the bag and leaves eating the potato chips.

Ugh I so wish Marina was here. Marina is my older sister with two years she graduated last year when I was a freshman, you could say she was at the top of the food chain in school, she was a popular but never did the bad things others did. She was sweet and kind and everyone loved her.

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