Chapter 2

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Once inside the halls, I am swept away by a crowd of people. I am very awkward in crowds, so I was pushed and shoved into the person in front of me and in back of me. As I am sloshed around by cursing people, I glance at the cracked walls of Washington middle school. Most of the school was in the same condition, trashed and old, except the northern part of the school, which was just rebuilt 2 years ago. The school board planned to rebuild the whole school from that section, like New York had the money for that

Oof! I bump into an unmoving figure in front of me. It was tall and black and smelled like peppermint. I look up at the person in apology, but instead meet a cold blue gaze.

“Well that was clumsy,” the boy says, his tone bland and icy. He isn’t bad looking, his blond hair curly and messy. But he is pale, very very pale, as if he has never been in the sun. As I study him harder, his flesh looks almost translucent. I guess since he is new, he must have just moved from somewhere cloudy, like maybe Alaska. What really disturbs me is the fact that his eyes were a penetrating blue, Bluer than I had ever seen before.

“Sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.” I scratch the back of my head with my right hand.

“It is fine. I mean, look at those goofy long legs of yours, you couldn’t be anymore graceful.” He replies, smirking meanly, as if he was attempting to peak my anger.

It works, and I bunch my hands into a fist, wishing I could punch the crud out of him. “well that wasn’t nice.”

His eyes show a glint of amusement “Whatever”. And leaving it at that, he walks away.

“Jerk” I mutter under my breath as I turn the opposite way and walk to my locker located in the eastern hall. My locker, number 459, is in between two empty lockers. It is nice because no one is pushing me to get to their locker. But sometimes I feel isolated from society, like none wants to stand by me. Maybe I smell bad. Who knows?

 But today was different, When I arrive at my 459, there is a girl loading her stuff into 458. I casually pass by her, not really wanting to make acquaintances. I slowly do my locker combination, hoping she doesn’t notice me or that she to, is not friendly. But she catches one glance at me and smiles, tapping me on the shoulder.

“Hi I’m Darcy! I’m new here!” She exclaims with a huge grin streaking across her face.

She is really short, her forehead barely reaches my shoulders. She has long luxurious black hair, like night trailing down her back. Her eyes are big, brown, and a little glassy. Also, she wears way to much makeup. The creepy thing was that she too had ashen colored skin. Though it wasn’t as see through as the boy I had met earlier before.

“Cool” I try to say as if I didn’t already know she was new.

She smiles even bigger, almost as if she was crazy “What’s your name?”

“Markie” I reply and her face drains to a bleach white. What is so wrong with my name?

“Hey, are you okay?”

She smiles and her face turns back to its original shade, “oh no, I’m completely fine, just your name is kind of boyish.”

Outrage flared through my body. What was with new kids insulting me today?

“Oh, I’m so sorry” she corrects herself “don’t get me wrong, I love your name. Is it long for Mark? Er, I mean short for something?”

She was nervous, so I decide to give her a break. “No,” I reply, smiling almost as wide as her.

Above us the bell rings, signaling us to be in class.

“Crap” I burst out and jam my items into my open locker. “Hey, do you know where Miss Turk’s class is? It’s my first period.” Darcy asks.

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