Doctors Visit

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Sonic was hiding.
Shadow was losing patience. "Sonic, get your butt out here right now!"
No response.
Shadow growled and kicked at the sofa. The agency had told him that annual checkups were required, but no one had said it would be this hard to get that kid in to see the doctor.
Finally, he sat down on the couch and just waited, closing his eyes and listening to the house. Shadow was a firm believer that if you listened long and hard enough, the house usually gave away all its secrets.
Shadow opened his eyes and lunged at the opening closet door by the porch.
Sonic yelped and tried to scramble away.
But Shadow had caught him.
"Nooooooo! Lemme go!" Sonic shouted, trying to break free.
"Hold still you little faker." Shadow scolded, then quickly ran out the door before the little blue speed demon could escape.

Sonic fought all the way to the clinic. By the time they got there, Shadow was ready to dump the kid in a chair and leave him there.
Instead, he tucked him under one arm and walked up to the front desk. Personally, Shadow had never been to see the doctor, had never really understood the point. But, he tried to not look as if he were in the H E double toothpicks as he checked Sonic in.
"You can take a seat." The receptionist said in a chipper voice with a big grin.
Shadow nodded and sat as far away from the old parrot that was hacking up a lung as he possibly could.
There weren't all that many other patients in the waiting room. A pregnant badger, the old parrot and a cynical looking cat.
Shadow was glad to see he wasn't the only one that was unpleased to be there.
Of course Sonic's unpleased to be there left Shadow's in the dust. He was still trying to squirm out of Shadow's arms, wanting to make a break for it, and whining like he was being expected to spend the day visiting old relatives in the old folks home or something.
Shadow resisted the urge to yell at him and took a few calming breaths.
What felt like an eternity later, a beaver nurse wearing one of those long white lab coats Shadow thought only existed in the movies pushed through a pair of double doors. "Sonic Hedgehog?" She called, looking down at a clipboard.
Shadow stood, with the little hedgehog still tucked under his arm.
The nurse smiled warmly at them. "This way please." She lead them through the doors and down a hallway. They passed lots of small rooms with exam tables and little sinks and scales. Finally, she opened the door into a small room with a desk, a few chairs, and a paper covered exam table with a pillow. "Dr. Eagan will be with you shortly." The nurse said, closing the door behind Shadow and leaving them alone in the little room.
Shadow set Sonic down on the exam table and fixed him with a hard stare, placing both hands on either side of the little blue hedgehog. "No funny business, you hear?"
Sonic huffed and crossed his arms over his little chest.
"I'm serious." Shadow insisted. "I don't want to hear one more peep out of you."
For the first 5 minutes, Shadow expected the doctor to come. In the next 10, he started to lose hope, and by the last 15 he started to believe this was all some sick plot to trap him in this stuffy little room with this brat and never let him out.
But finally, the door opened again and a tall rabbit with pink fur walked in. She smiled and winked at Sonic and shook Shadow's hand. "Hi there, I'm Dr. Eagan."
Sonic immediately started to glare at her.
"Hi." Shadow said, then elbowed Sonic when he continued to glare.
"Hi." Sonic said in a growly voice.
Dr. Eagan only smiled and pulled off the stethoscope that was hanging around her neck. "Ok, Sonic. This won't hurt at all." She said, approaching the table.
But Sonic didn't believe her and hopped off the table to duck behind Shadow's legs.
Shadow toed him out from behind him and scooped him up, placing him back on the table. Only to realize, Sonic's grumpy look had been replaced with one of fear.
"It's ok, pal. She said it wasn't going to hurt." Shadow said soothingly, suddenly feeling bad for snapping at him and threatening him earlier.
Sonic squirmed nervously as the doctor put her stethoscope to his chest, then his stomach, then his back. And when she pulled out that pointy ear checker thingy doctors always carried around in the movies...or was that the stethoscopes? At any rate, he clutched Shadow's arm in panic.
Dr. Eagan chuckled. "Don't worry, this doesn't hurt either." She checked both ears, wrote something down on a clipboard and pulled a tongue depressor out of a pocket. "Now stick out your tongue and say ah."
Again, Sonic shied away, but after some prodding, opened his mouth.
She stuck the tongue depressor in his mouth and looked in. "Mmhmm." She threw the Popsicle stick with a fancy name in the garbage and wrote something else down.
"Ok, Sonic, you have been a very good patient." She went to her desk and searched in the drawer, coming out with a lollipop. "So this, is for you." She handed the little hedgehog the candy.
Sonic's face lit up and he wasted no time in tearing off the wrapper and sticking it into his mouth.
Shadow frowned at him. "Sonic, what do you say."  It was another horrendously parent-ish thing to say, but he couldn't think of any other way to say it.
Sonic took the candy out of his mouth and smiled big at the doctor. "Thank you!" Then he beamed up at his dad proudly.
Shadow grinned back and scooped him up.
"Take care now." Dr. Eagan called after them as Shadow walked out.

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