"And the Bunny is in the bed.."

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Marco walked into Star's room where Tom was sat at her desk and the bunny was lightly snoozing in her bed.
"And the bunny is in the bed." Marco face palmed. "Why do I even bother?"
"I have no idea, the bunny always gets as it wants, I wasn't going to say anything, you know, to be polite and all." Tom replied.
"Since when did you care about being polite?"
"I don't, but you're one of the few people I don't completely despise. I mean I hate you, but I don't completely despise you."
"Noted. What are you doing?" Marco walked over to where Tom was sat on his laptop. "And did you steal that from my room?"
"Christmas shopping and yes."
"I never imagined you'd like shopping."
"Trust me, I cannot stand it. But I gotta get my family something."
"You have a family?"
"Not really, but I tend to get my servants something. Last year I got them all matching shame shirts that scolded the words 'I do not work hard enough' onto their backs. Oh that was wonderful. To see them all screaming in pain, good times."
"You're evil."
"I'm a demon."
"Well I never."
"Don't get sarcastic with me Karate Kid. I can kill a little boy like you in under a second."
"I'm not a little boy. I'm older than you."
"That's impossible."
"No it's not, when's your birthday?"
"No I mean it's literally impossible, I was never born so I don't have a birthday. If you were as old as me you'd be dead."
"How old are you?!"
"It has at least four digits."
"I'm not one for joking Marco."
"Okay. What are you getting your servants this year then?"
"I'm not sure, I'm torn between coffee mugs that scold them and shout "I don't pay you for coffee breaks." Whenever they try to pour something into it. That would be fun, but I don't actually pay them anyway. Or motivational kitten posters..."
"That actually sounds really nice."
"Where the cat dies a torturous death in every poster."
"And there it is. Couldn't you just get them regular mugs?"
"Great idea, I'll disguise them as regular mugs so it gives them a good scare the first time they use it. I should give you more credit Diaz."
"No. I mean just a normal everyday mug. Let me show you, scoot over."
Tom shuffled to one side and Marco perched on the seat, opening a new tab on his laptop and googling 'Christmas mugs.'

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