Foolish Mistake - Chapter 1

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It was bright as dawn as Link walked me through the Kokori Forest. Eventually, we arrived at his small tree-house and I began teaching him some of my cooking methods. Before we knew it, it had gotten late - so he happily offered to walk me back to Hyrule Castle.

 Whilst trecking through the Lost Woods he slowly turned around to face me; he looked into my eyes, smiled and held my hands.
He seemed reluctant to say something, but I waited patiently. Link began to quietly utter something, I couldn't quite hear what he said, but the way he spoke - his tone of voice and the way he seemed to be completely tensed up gave it away - he said that he loved me. He began to speak louder now, as if he'd just been filled with an extra pool of confidence.
 "I've loved you ever since the first time we met..." he cried. I began to smile uncontrollably, suddenly feeling myself drowning in happiness, I released my grip from his hands and hugged him tightly, "I love you too" was all I could manage to let out.

 Link suddenly tensed up once more, but this time was different. It was like his fight-or-flight survival instincts had just been jolted into action, he drew his sword expertly as he exclaimed "There's someone behind that bunch of trees, here, take this!" he pushed me backwards, handing me his shield. I wanted to refuse the offer for fear of him getting injured without his protection, but I knew that he was stubborn and wouldn't allow me to. I felt uncontrollable regret as I just stood under a large tree, knowing that I'd be unable to assist him at all.

 Three Moblins sprung from behind a pine tree, one tripping over a root in the ground. They seemed to have realised that Link knew they were there and  had been watching Link and I the whole time, trying to find the opportune time to attack.

 Link now only had his sword, I watched as he assessed his targets, he knew he needed to get behind them to attack their weakspots, but the narrow forest made this seemingly impossible. Viciously, he charged towards the the Moblins, sliding on his knees through one of the Moblin's legs,  as one of their blades caught his cheek, leaving a small red line of blood where it trailed. He managed to swiftly dodge another swing from one of the Moblins, subsequently slashing the back of one of them multiple times in quick succession, causing it to wince in pain as it dropped to the ground with a thud.

 The last two Moblins furiously swung their swords with great fury, advancing towards Link as they grieved the mercilless death of their partner. One of them was equipped with a gnarled spear and lunged forward, attempting to strike Link as he pounced backwards. The moblin had managed to luckily catch Link's arm with the tip of the spear, leaving a gash in his lime-green clothing. Link displayed his great agility once again by managing to get behind another moblin and slice its weakspot, leaving it screaming in pain as it collapsed to the forest ground.

 After this, the ultimate Moblin spawned 4 Chuchus - these weren't a problem for Link as he could easily kill them with a single hit, most of his focus was drawn to the giant Moblin. As I stood, paralysed by the heroic actions of Link, I suddenly realised a Chuchu was heading towards me and I screamed as it attacked me, attempting to use the shield Link had given me to repel its hits. I found the shield too heavy to lift and barely evaded the Chuchu as it attacked me; out of the corner of my eye I saw as Link ran towards me, slicing apart the gelatinous creature.

 "Are you okay?" panted Link, as I nodded and leapt towards him, squeezing his body tightly before letting go, noticing the cuts which littered his face and arms. He leaned down to pick up the Recovery Heart which had flown out of the Chuchu's corpse and gently handed it to me. In that moment, we had become completely oblivious to what was going on; as we stared perpetually into each others eyes it felt like we were on a different planet. Link's smile suddenly changed to an expression of pain and fear, something I had never seen from him before.

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